: “North Dakota School Counselor Arrested on Multiple Sex-Related Charges Involving Two Underage Girls: New Details Revealed”

NELSON COUNTY, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A McVillie, North Dakota man is facing a trio of felony charges in connection to alleged incidents involving 2 former students. We have the entire criminal complaint outlining the charges.
we now have details regarding a trio of felony charges against Brendan parsley school counselor for Dakota Prairie schools who’s been on administrative leave since November uh they have a high school in Petersburg and Elementary School in mville he’s charged with felonies of solicitation of a minor luring Minor by computer and sexual assault according to the criminal complaint the uh charges involve uh two uh minor females these are the allegations according to the criminal complaint we’ll read you the whole complaint here with the names of any investigators and or uh other victims uh omitted quote on November 27th 2023 Nelson County Sheriff’s Office requested the North Dakota Bureau of criminal investigation assist with the investigation of allegations of misconduct and sexual assault from a counselor at Dakota Prairie High School in Petersburg North Dakota the counselor was identified as Brendan parsley on December 1st 2023 your affidavit interviewed Jane do w at the Nelson County Sheriff’s office during the interview Jane do1 said she attended the Dakota Prairie School from 2014 to 2015 while Jane do was a Jane do one was a student at the school she sought counseling from Brendan parsley who was employed as a school counselor for Dakota Prairie School she said the counseling turned into a pretty flirty stuff like Brendan parsley standing close to Jane do1 and Brendan parsley blowing on Jane do one’s ear which uh then led to after school then led to after volleyball practice when everyone left Jane D1 went to Brendan parsley’s office where parsley would hold uh Jane do1 on his lap Jane do1 said things escalated during softball uh saying she would go out of practice early and walk home while she walked home she passed Brendan parsley’s residence where Jane do1 saw Brendan parsley Mo motion to Jane do1 to follow Brendan parsley inside his house janeo one ended Brendan parsley’s residence and noticed parsley’s pants were unzipped she said she remembered Brendan Parsley was wearing bright green boxers janeo one said Brendan parsley asked Jane one are you going to get on the bed Jane do1 said she was 17 years old at the time and a virgin so Jane do1 was nervous Jane do1 said she hesitated then Brendan parsley told Jane do1 well maybe then you should just go Jane do1 said Brendan parsley and uh Jane do one hugged when brendy’s P pants were still unzipped Jane do1 told your affidavit she felt Brendan parsley’s erection while while she and Brendan parsley hugged inside Brendan parsley’s residence Jane do one said A week and a half later Jane do1 drove by school and observed Brendan parsley motion to Jane do1 to follow uh Brendan parsley again Jane do1 said she followed Brendan parsley in her car Jane do1 said they just drove out of town and they stopped Jane do1 said she walked up to Brendan parsley’s truck stood on the front rails and talked during the conversation Jane do one said Brendan parsley reached up and caressed me right under my arm and my boob and we just kind of talked Jane do1 said there were missed phone calls from her mom so Jane do1 returned home later that night Jane do one’s mother looked through Jane Do’s phone and noticed Facebook messages between Jane do1 and Brendan parsley Jane do1 couldn’t remember the details of the conversation but they were extremely inappropriate and were sexual conversations Jane do1 said her M mother uh in superintendent had a meeting Jane do1 said uh Brendan parsley admitted messaging Jane do1 over Facebook and admitted to deleting all the Facebook messages your affidavit also interviewed janeo one’s mother during the interview janeo one’s mother said she contacted the superintendent about the messages janeo one’s mother saw on her Facebook messages with Brendan parsley janeo one’s mother said she had attended a meeting with Brendan parsley and the superintendent janeo one’s mother said during the meeting Brendan parsley admitted to messaging J jano1 and later deleting those messages on December 1st of 2023 your a affidavit interviewed Jane do2 at the Nelson County Sheriff’s office during the interview Jane do2 said she attended Dakota Prairie School from 2007 to 2010 when Jane dotu was a student at the school she had sought C cing when Jane do2 was a sophomore from Brendan parsley who was employed as a school counselor for Dakota Prairie School Jane do2 said during counseling sessions Jane do2 noticed the chairs were moved closer and Brendan parsley would get closer Jane do 2 said she felt safe with Brendan parsley initially Jane do 2 said at some point Brendan parsley would brush Jane Do’s hair back away from Jane d2’s neck Jane do2 said Brendan parsley would get close to Jane to and ster Jane to two said he would hold her she would hold her legs together and Brendan parsley would move move up and put his legs on the outside of Jane Do’s legs holding them together Jane do2 said Brendan parsley would put his hands on my thighs and outwardly blow into Jane Do’s ear Jane doou said there were multiple times when uh she was in a counseling session with Brendan parsley Jane do2 would notice Brendan Parsley was a row when Brendan parsley leaned back in his chair in his office Jane do2 said Brendan parsley would look at himself and then nonchalantly tell Jane do2 she did that to Brendan parsley because of how pretty Jane do two’s eyes were Jane do2 said during one incident she got up to leave Brendan parsley’s office during school and parsley came up behind her as she was standing Jane do2 said Brendan parsley hugged Jane do2 from behind then Brendan parsley rubbed Jane do ‘s vagina over uh her shorts Jane do2 said Brendan parsley rubbed Jane Do’s her vagina for approximately 30 seconds to a minute and during that time Jane do2 said she could feel Brandon parsley’s erection on uh Jane do two’s lower back Jane do2 said she could also feel Brendan parsley’s breath on her neck when Bren parsley rubbed Jane d2’s vagina Jane do2 said Brendan parsley and Jane do2 had to exchange phone numbers Jane do2 said Brendan parsley told her they can’t tell anyone about this because it would ruin our lives Jane do2 said One Time Brendan parsley came to high school with bruised and swollen Knuckles Jane do2 said Brendan parsley would make sure sure Jane do2 saw Brendan parsley’s swollen hands and Jane do and tell Jane do2 basically it is Jane Do’s fault if Jane do2 doesn’t respond or come to see Brendan parsley in his office Jane do2 said After High School Brendan parsley would continue to send text messages Jane do2 said Brendan parsley would threaten Jane dotu that if uh Brendan parsley couldn’t speak with Jane do he would hurt himself or threaten suicide Jane do2 told her affidavit Brendan parsley called her on the phone and would be screaming and crying telling Jane do2 Brendan S Parsley was sorry for CH touching Jane do2 and being a in his office Jane do2 said Brendan parsley manipulated and wrecked many years of her life unquote again that’s from the Affidavit of uh probable cause the uh allegations against Brendan parsley who uh worked as a counselor at Dakota Prairie schools I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


  1. Brendon Parsley is a serial pedo predator with all of the same tactics, same "grooming" of the students, taking advantage of his authority and public trust, violating these innocent children the same way they all do, and told them to keep quiet: same as all of the others. Sadly, another school has the problems of so many others in America. May God keep the children's names and identities secret from the media, may the victims be believed because who wouldn't believe them based on this report, and may the victims be healed in time and understand they were used, threatened and assaulted but are going to receive the love and support they deserve. Brendan needs to be fired as a counselor, quit paying him because he's still a counselor and has violated the law and the parent's trust to protect their children. Don't hire a new counselor but provide community mentors – volunteers in the community. Always fire anyone who does one of these actions, let alone the entire history that had to come up this way, don't worry about lawsuits. He deserves firing, no question. We all have to listen to our children and do a better job protecting them. And watch, hire people you know and trust and still watch because the children matter. I am mad, sorry about the length of my rant. But this is just so common. Make sure he doesn't get another job near children or vulnerable people. I suspect he thinks he can just move on to another counselor job, that the school will give him a reference to be rid of him, and doesn't think the legal community will enforce the laws because he does this in our faces . Please keep reporting. Love to the children, I'm so sorry this happened to you.

  2. I went to that school and he always seemed like a good person. He was always a bit touchy putting a hand on shoulders, and giving hugs, but I assumed he was just being nice. Dude had a wife and like 2 kids, I really hope the kids are okay. He always was happy and cracking jokes so most people just assumed he had depression, but I really hope he goes to prison and stays there.

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