WASHINGTON DC (trfnews.i234.me) An Oriska, North Dakota man has plead guilty under a plea agreement to his part in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Rockne Earles is now 1 of over 700 people who have plead guilty in the attack.
North Dakota Resident Found Guilty for Involvement in January 6th, 2021 Capitol Protests

Fed time day for day, FAFO
700 political prisoners, FTP
700 political prisoners
Fedsurrection more like it. Attack on the capital…?
Thousands and thousands of lives ruined, all for what?
Yup. The falsified charges in a sham court for an attack on the capitol portrayed by law enforcement. Wonderful world we are living in.
FYI nEil
There are THOUSANDS OF HOURS (42K to be exact) released by Elon Musk, Matt Taibi, and OUR UNITED STATES CONGRESS which prove a very different tale of j-sith.
One of the said fEds-eRreCtiOn.
Not to mention the SWORN OATH TESTIMONY FROM THE USCP CHIEF STEVEN SUND before CONGRESS which can be found right here on YOUTUBE..with ease
Why was that maga cult there? Who got them all worked up? Who directed them towards the Capitol building? Why did they break windows, climbing inside and disrupting the certification? Why were there “alternative electoral votes”?
I’ll help you out: to stop the certification of the current electoral votes since Pence didn’t swap them, AND SWAP THEM.