North Dakota Pharmacies Included In Massive Burglary Ring

North Dakota Pharmacies Targeted in Largest Pharmacy Burglary Ring in DEA History
North Dakota Pharmacies Targeted in Largest Pharmacy Burglary Ring in DEA History

ARKANSAS ( – North Dakota pharmacies were among the targets in what the DEA is describing as the largest pharmacy burglary ring in its history.

The extensive operation involved over 200 break-ins across 31 states, primarily targeting small, independent pharmacies.

The investigation, which began in Arkansas, revealed that the perpetrators used the internet to identify rural pharmacies, traveling by rental cars or commercial airlines from Houston to cities nationwide.

Once there, they would break into pharmacies in the early morning hours, crawling on the floor to avoid motion detectors, and systematically stealing dangerous opioids, Promethazine with Codeine, and other controlled substances.

The stolen drugs, valued at an estimated $12 million, were distributed on the streets of Houston, Texas.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Wow they don't even need to smuggle it across the boarder any more. They will eventually slip up when they break into one out in the sticks where the owner is also the law enforcement officer and undertaker!

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