North Dakota Nears 80 MPH Speed Limit Approval

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota is on the verge of raising its speed limit to 80 mph. New legislation just needs the signature of the Governor.
in North Dakota now it might take you just a little less time to get where you’re going if your travels take you across North Dakota the speed limit on the interstate in North Dakota is 75 miles per hour but it might not uh but it might not be for very long the state senate Advanced House Bill 1475 Wednesday which would raise the interstate speed limits to 80 miles per hour in most of the state the North Dakota highway patrol is neutral on the matters the bill would allow them to keep speed limits down in certain areas like the scenic area around Medora the areas that cannot safely support an increase to 80 miles per hour the North Dakota DOT would perform additional engineering analysis to determine the appropriate speed limit said Senator Bob Paulson republican from Minot supporters say the increase would bring North Dakota in line with states to the South and West which already have speed limits of 80 miles per hour despite bipartisan support the North Dakota Safety Council opposed the bill arguing that increasing speed limits will lead to more traffic fatalities the bill passed the Senate with a vote of 25-21 next it heads to the governor’s desks and


  1. More like this will level things off at 90 mph ? with some doing well in excess of that suggested safe speed why ? cause that limit doesn’t apply to the Elite and Entitled amongst us obvious Mortals

  2. Stupid people are already going 80 now they’ll go closer to 90, a state full of slow driving old people, farm equipment, 6 months of icy roads, you just signed the dead warrant for hundreds of people, nobody care about safety anymore, it just plain stupid

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