North Dakota Legislature Weighs Potential Culture Conflict Over Guns in Schools

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota legislators are considering culture was issues and guns in school.
lawmakers voted to advance a bill related to controversial issues like critical race Theory Senate Bill 2247 would make it illegal to penalize a student for refusing to believe divisive Concepts this includes ideas like the state or the United States is fundamentally or irre redeemingly racist or sexist people opposed to the bill say legislation like this is the latest in a volley of culture wars surrounding education in America but those in favor of the bill say it’s important for higher ed institutions nothing in this says you can’t have the discussion all it says is you can’t compel someone to act in a manner contrary to their own personal beliefs and ideals that’s from Senator Michael woboma a republican from Valley City the bill passed by a vote of 38-6 the North Dakota House of Representatives Advanced a bill originally intended to allow guns in schools the house passed an amended House Bill 1337 it was originally introduced to encourage school districts to create policies that would allow concealed guns in K-12 schools as amended the new bill is aimed at school safety it requires each School District to prepare an annual report about how much money they spent on school safety during the previous school year that would allow us to start Gathering data so we can understand is there a problem first of all and if there is what should we do about it said representative Eric Murphy for a republican from Grand Forks the bill passed by a vote of 75 to 16 next it goes to the Senate


  1. Why do we elect school boards? They should be the ones making policies as needed to protect thier schools. Why would schmucks in Bismarck care about what is going on in a distant part of the state?

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