North Dakota Legislators Deliberate Stricter Punishments for Drug Trafficking Leading to Fatalities

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota legislators are considering tougher sentences for people who sell drugs that results in death.
north dakota law enforcement agencies are urging state lawmakers to support a bill that would enact harsher penalties for drug traffickers if a death results from the sale of their drugs police chiefs and law enforcement associations told the senate judiciary commission committee on wednesday that stiffer penalties are needed especially as such fatalities mount across the state the proposed legislation would make it a class a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison for someone convicted of trafficking drugs drugs that caused a death the current penalty is lower is a a lower federal charge punishable by up to five years in prison


  1. Your comment disappeared. I think its YouTube. This guy is a reporter that runs this page so I assume he believes in free speech. Thats crazy you didn't even say anything bad. Just a different opinion

  2. Bills comment " I understand wanting to blame someone but it doesn't make a lot of sense. We don't blame the government for alcohol and tobacco related deaths. We don't blame liquor companies or stores and we don't blame the cashier or bartender. You want to blame someone blame the government for not taking control of this issue and providing something with some quality control and safety standards. Fentanyl is horrible but we got to where we are from these ridiculous drug laws and the stupid war on drugs. All people are doing is trying to beat the laws by creating new substances like k2 fake weed, fentanyl, and these different research chemicals that are supposed to replicate the effects of these older substances that we know much more about but the new are alot more harmful and deadly. Its silly to think we are going to win the war or have any impact at all. Drugs aren't going anywhere. Take opium for example. In its natural state it is at its safest. It can be habit forming but so are cigarettes, you can smoke opium all day your not going to overdose. Its a little late but leave well enough alone. Also if you had a child and they got into drugs or wanted to try would you not want that substance to be as safe as possible? Blame the government for not taking control and providing something with quality. Take it out of the criminals hands nobody should have to deal with criminals. Addiction is not the worst thing and if you love someone death is worse than addiction. More often than not people are not going to kill themselves if they know the substance they are using. People are suffering and dying and want to explore different treatment options and they can't because of the federal law. Just recently doctors wrote to the DEA about their cancer patients wanting to try psilocybin the active ingredient in mushrooms and the DEA said no its the federal law we can't do anything about it. But there is also the right to try act. Its about time people learn how to live with drugs like we did with alcohol.. Alcohol was once the scourge and was once a prescription. It was once manufactured in backyard labs and poisoned and hurt so many they had to change the law. Alot of what we read about drugs is wrong not accurate and exaggerated. Also look at who's funding these studys and adds about drugs. Even alcohol related companies have been behind some of the false drug adds. There is just so many arguments for and to just ponder a different way. What we do is not working and the possibilities should be explored." Copy and pasted.

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