North Dakota Lacks Resettlement Plans for Afghanistan Refugees

BISMARCK, ND ( Officials say there are no plans to house Afghanistan refugees in North Dakota.
and state officials say there are no current plans to bring any of the people fleeing the conflict of afghanistan and north dakota the north dakota department of human services says there is no resettlement plan and that the process is actually quite extensive the state’s refugee coordinator says the people have been transported to the united states are classified as special immigrant visa holders each person will be resettled in an area of the country that afghans have already settled in officials say it takes eight different government agencies and six background checks for a person to gain clearance for the refugee resettlement program in north dakota


  1. They will come anyways. We already have Illegal immigrants here that came up from the southern boarder. Burgum lied when he said those ppl were not comming here. BUll SH1T they won’t come here. Get right with Jesus now. May God help us

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