North Dakota Governor Burgum on Personal Responsibility and Global Food Supply Amid COVID-19

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum talked about North Dakotan’s personal responsibility with COVID-19 and the State’s responsibility to feed the world.
last thing do a couple things to close on here other kind of tidbits but one is has to do with personal responsibility we’ve talked about this thing before but again in North Dakota we’re doing this with a mix of two things I mean if you have you know massive mandatory required shutdowns which some people clamor for but no one follows those orders it doesn’t work if you have no mandatory government shutdowns but everybody’s practicing personal responsibility you know that could work great we’re trying to do a blend here of the right the right touch in terms of government guidance and restrictions at a state level delegating authority the locals but also you know strongly relying on what’s made North Dakota great forever which is the people that have lived here have always exhibited tremendous personal responsibility and so as we think about that again you’re washing your hands is the number one best way you know best way to get things done we know that that you have an opportunity to get outside walking could become your new best friend as a way to enjoy and sort of learn humans were built for walking we’ve kind of built a society around moving around in automobiles and walking might seem like a chore sometime but I would recommend if you haven’t gone for a walk for a while I might recommend it to try it for people and you might turn out that you’ll rediscover what humans were actually built for again on in terms of contact again learning the right way to cover it off with you know either a Kleenex or tissue or into your sleeve and if you do end up coffee in your hand make sure that you are washing your hands quickly and and then again use an opportunity to clean and disinfect surfaces and then again as we’re saying keep social distance six feet people are you know asking all the time about what they can or can’t do you can do just about anything you want to as long as you’re following these rules and staying more than six feet away from from other people and again as the weather gets nicer there’s a lot of things that you can do I mean again if you want to take your kids to playground go there bring along a bottle of hand sanitizer and and then and and again you have an opportunity to keep physical distance but still get you know activity people have been asking us about mass gatherings again we’ve we’ve been encouraging people to of to not hold or avoid mass gatherings and and again in our faith-based community this last weekend you know complied I think almost completely across the state found other ways to deliver their messages and stay connected with their congregations and we applaud them for that for that work and so the you know non-essential gatherings again the guidance remains the same so we’ve given but we’ve had had some spring time is when the ranchers in our state or moving moving their calves and head into the sale barns and again the the but the in terms of the sale barns themselves if you’re there because you’re a buyer or a seller you should be there now if you’re there because this is where you like to go hang out and you’re just part of the public you might be considered non-essential to that activity and not a respect for the the ranchers that we need to keep healthy in our state again if you’re if you’ve got don’t have actual business activity to transact there we would ask you to stay away and and again if the sale barns are providing food at those gatherings we’d ask that that be served by whoever is hosting that in a manner that’s acceptable for food services or asking you know people to bring their own or discontinue for its food service but figure out a way to get it done but just use common sense as a way to mitigate risk you know create opportunities some sale barns can do you know video and have offered that in the past if you haven’t this is good time just like our schools just like anything else to think about how do you up your technology game to do that but make sure again the main thing is make sure there’s adequate space to maintain and accommodate social distancing and of course if you’re sick if you’re a buyer or seller and you’re sick again just like we would ask people to stay home from work I know that ranchers might say there’s nobody else I can send but this is a time when maybe neighbors can help neighbors or you’ve got family members or you know that son or daughter that’s you’ve always wanted to come back into the ranching business stay home if you’re sick maybe they’ll come home maybe they’re out of college right now maybe they’re not at work maybe they can come home and help out but again working together we can work through these in a common-sense way and allow people to keep their their livelihoods moving particularly in the important area of Agriculture and food because this is a essential we’re at the beginning we’re at the end of the supply chain for a lot of medical supplies were at the beginning of the supply chain for feeding the world and North Dakotans have to keep doing our end on feeding the world

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