North Dakota Governor Burgum announces second COVID-19 fatality of the day.

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum announced a second death from COVID-19 in the State today.
hello North Dakota thanks for tuning into our afternoon briefing yesterday we had a lighter day because of all the positive news today I’m sad to start off our report reporting that we’ve had our fifth death in the state of North Dakota related to Cove at 19 this individual was a male in his 60s from Stark County he did have underlying health conditions acquired kovat 19 through community spread in our hearts and prayers of course go out to his family and friends and all of his loved ones who are dealing with this loss but also and that’ll be shown in today’s numbers as our 5th deaths but we’ve also become aware of just in recent hours that there was a second kovat related death earlier today but no details are available at this time pending notification of relatives so those will be in tomorrow’s report this will bump up to 6 tomorrow but again our deepest condolences on behalf of the first lady and myself two family members and friends and communities who’ve lost a loved one i we know that that’s really what all this has been about is trying to make decisions pragmatically using data but leading with our heart to make sure that we’re protecting ourselves against this invisible assailant which is has such a deadly effect on on elderly and people with underlying underlying health conditions and so we at swai we take our work seriously in terms of what we’re doing and why we’re weighing every decision carefully but as we take a look at the other numbers today there’s also some positive news on that slide and and that’s known and the center middle center I want to draw your attention to that which is 14 hospitalizations this is the the net so there’s two more discharges so with the good news is two people that were hospitalized with Co vid are are that so that numbers gone down I and I want say that the for the for those that are worried about you know are we prepared enough the key of all the things that we’re doing and what every state is doing is trying to make sure that the sum total of all of the business closures and physical distancing and great hygiene practices all of the new approaches to how we’re conducting business all of that is done with the goal of preserving to make sure that you have enough hospital capacity to give the highest level of care and and that could mean in a life-threatening situation that you can get somebody into intensive care unit or ICU that you’ve got those care units available and so from that standpoint even though we’re saddened by the news of two more deaths I want North Dakotans to know and understand that with 14 14 people hospitalized and again continuing to really refine that number but we know that number is in the thousands that we are literally using less than 1% of the hospital capacity today for Co bed patients so that means 99 percent remains available and and so that’s what we should focus on because in terms of what we’re working on to do that is absolutely absolutely positively working in terms of the the rolling a seven seven day average still at three percent that’s still in the among the top of all the states in terms of those tested versus those are becoming positive so that’s fantastic and then also in terms of recovered we have a headline on that sense that we’ve now added three more people to recovered column which pushes our total to over 100 that are recovered on the when we show that graphically on the next slide again on the top of this shows the active cases are above the line so that’s yesterday’s active cases plus the new reported positives and below the line is the recovered and those people who have passed away and again yesterday we had great news because it was you see a little dip there where we actually more recovers than we had knew today we had more new than we had recovered and so it continues to climb active cases climb by 14 today that’s the numbers for today


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