North Dakota Governor Burgum Announces 17 Fresh Cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum is reporting 17 new cases of Coronavirus in the State this Tuesday.
good afternoon welcome today’s press briefing today the North Dakota Department of Health confirmed 17 additional cases of the novel coronavirus disease or COBIT 19 putting us at a total now of 126 cases this is our second highest day with 17 new cases we continue to have good positive progress on testing testing 384 individuals since yesterday and and there have been you know some questions about how we doing versus other states these numbers are fluid because people report testing at different times of the day but North Dakota remains in the top 10 of states on testing per capita and our intention is to stay in there and keep moving our way up that chart because we know that testing and more broad testing is one of the ways that we work our way not only through the crisis but out the back side as well in terms of helping us get back to the new normal after this there have also been some questions related to testing by counties and one of the things that is come up on that is the you know there’s been a concern about how we doing testing around the state as you can see we do have tests completed again in all but two counties and we’ve done a lot of work up in McKenzie County in Williams County up in that area and will provide going forward some data on testing per capita but while these may seem weighted to the metro areas on a on a test per thousand people these are actually is probably quite evenly distributed across across the state I think the the main curve that we want to show on the slide which shows that our cumulative tests going back up the key point on this is that the curve is still going up I mean this is the sort of the message every day which is that we are some people might ask you know when it’s going to be over we’ll know more about when it’s going to be over when we know I’ve reached the top and we’re starting to go down the other side but for right now as was predicted we’re continuing to see this grow and again the key messages here is that on the testing there’s a lot of focus on the testing and the focus on test by county but for everybody listing again we have to assume two things one is that this data reflects people that got sick at least 10 days ago and are now testing positive now and it also reflects that we’re not catching everybody that is that that has the the coronavirus because some people do experience milder symptoms and when you experience milder symptoms you may be doing okay but you can still be contagious you can still give it to other people and so again we know that we maybe this may represent only one in ten people that have it so we should be thinking about the fact that there could be you know over 1200 people in this in the state of North Dakota that had it 10 days ago and that that number is climbing and so again this is all very lagging data that were there when we’re looking at the positives and and if you’re you know want to get a view of what some of the futures are you can go to other states and take a look at the day when they got to a hundred and then take a look at the day when they got to a thousand and you can see when those curves were climbing how fast some of this spread now in North Dakota because we were proactive and putting in a number of guidance about physical distancing then in that case then we you know maybe you’ve got a chance to have a little flatter curve than some other states we’re certainly working hard to make sure that we don’t end up like Italy or someplace else so we want to make sure again our goal is to flatten that

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