Nicknames of Schools in Minnesota

ST. PAUL, MN ( The latest on a Minnesota school nickname battle.
first the Minnesota Legislature passed a law last year forcing any school district with a potentially offensive sports team name or mascot to change them and while the Bens and Braves were among the couple dozen districts targeted they say they’re taking a wait and seee attitude regarding the law superintendent Dennis laer says they were legally able to ask for an exemption from the state’s 11 Native American tribes and the tribal Nations education committee uh but have only heard back from four of those tribes and the TNC and the results varied we had one that supported continued use of our name and logo and we had another response that said they were neutral on that we had one that was specifically opposed both our name and logo so it was kind of mixed responses that were received to our exemption request al la Meer says they needed unanimous support from all the tribes to get the exemption so they’ll have to make the change due to the estimated cost of a million do L Meer says Benson will help seek funding from the legislature to make the change can you imagine all the new sweatshirts uniforms everything that they have Braves on all the logos designing a new logo uh so yeah that’s going to be expensive and by the way if you’re wondering warro they got the exemption and uh but theirs is a completely different scenario uh they are very heavy and uh and the native culture and the native history up in warad and uh they were able to get the okay from the tribes to keep using the warrior nickname


  1. This is such a joke. This is all about tearing down our culture as americans. I guarantee most indians couldnt care less about using indian names. This only offends white liberal marxists

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