CROOKSTON, MN ( Crookston Police have released body cam video of a deadly shooting of a man at a homeless …
New Development: Fatal Police Shooting Captured on Body Cam in Crookston, Minnesota – Officer Identified as “Fladland”

CROOKSTON, MN ( Crookston Police have released body cam video of a deadly shooting of a man at a homeless …
How many opopportunities did they have to go up and cuff him after tasing him. That's excessive force by killing him easily. It's the officers fault that he's dead, that they're afraid to do their job. Cowards
Some police departments have used the bolo device to disable a mentally ill person with success. It was even done by a department in MN. The US police go to the gun too quickly.
Most..Copz are such pussies!
Real officers back in the day grabbed their nightstick and went to work instead of just standing around pointing and shooting.
He knew he was going to unload his weapon telling other officer to get out of crossfire. Almost 50 secs later he unloads his firearm.
the female officer was panicking. Why did they not attempt to handcuff him after the numerous times they tased him? They acted as if he was an MCU supervillain.
I still cannot wrap my head around this. They outnumbered him and didnt need to shoot him. Their incompetence took this way too far and a man needlessly lost his life.
The more I watch the more stupid it is. Four times they tased him and had the opportunity to get cuffs on yet they bark orders and let him get back up. The last time they tased him in the corner by the exercise equipment, they could have all piled on top of him and got control. But what do we see, 3 cowards literally run past him laying on the ground, to escape for their lives(deadly plastic garbage can was in his close proximity) down the hallway where we see the final cowardly act. Then we see some scaredy cat creeping up on a naked, unarmed, dead man and cuffing him crying, "Do not fight, do not fight." All these officers get a F in performance and a A+ in unloading firearms. Embarrassing for the community and departments involved. Curious about any previous encounters between the victim and any of the officers.
Absolutely disgusting behavior… Who trains these "cops"…pathetic cowardly bullies.. I'm utterly shocked. Prayers for the victim's family and friends.
That was the worst tactical scene ever,omg who trains law enforcement because they need to save this video for a ok now this is what we don't do kind of thing . That man did not have to die period
Back in slavery days. My people used to come outside with no clothes on so they do not get shot by the police. This is murder.
Thanks Carlson. I just left a comment on a previous update to this story a couple of days ago saying i couldn't wait for the body cam footage and bam. You dropped it today. Thanks for all your hard work.
The police in our area need to be trained better then this. And why is that woman an officer is she is terrified to do her job? The shooting was justified because the man was charging the officers and at that point they were out of less than lethals. But it never should have got to that point, he should have been apprehended before they ran out of alternative enforcement methods. Come on Minnesota, make sure our officers are better trained, that was ridiculous.
Everyone in the comments is bashing the officers but put yourself in this cops shoes and watch it again. Anyone charging at a cop (or anyone really) with a gun pulled should know what to expect. Sad case, guy clearly had something mental going on. People are saying the cops had multiple opportunities to put cuffs on him but he's clearly not willing to cooperate, I wouldn't want to get too close to him either. My only gripe on the officers here is that they seem a little chaotic and like they don't know how to handle the situation, but this is Crookston, MN. What do you expect?
At what point do the cops detain and cuff him, there’s at least 3 of them.
They tried so hard, for so long to save him.
What a waste of resources.
Yea that is terrible!!! Fbi needs to get involved!
Chris is not well.
Woman should NOT be in situations like this…. It’s 1 thing being woke stupid but it’s another being extremely woke stupid can you even imagine if she had of been that lone officer first encountering the suspect.. Woman should be look after by men not pushed in front of men ffs!