New $7-Million Ag Innovation Campus at Crookston, Minnesota Closed, Additional Details Revealed

CROOKSTON, MN ( We have more details behind the closure of the new, $7-million Ag Innovation Campus at Crookston, Minnesota.


  1. The people are becoming aware of seed oil poison. Soy Beans, Canola, Palm Seed, Sunflower, Grape Seed among others are all terrible for humans to consume in any form. A couple of years ago it was announced in Regina Saskatchewan that they were breaking ground on two new Canola Crushing plants which I assume are probably now operating or soon will be. When I heard this news story I was shocked because I knew that seed oils are horrible for our digestion and health overall. Canola is in so many products now it’s difficult to avoid. Why do people look like they do today? Out of shape with weird deformed shapes from fat rolls and fat in places on the body that defy logic. It’s the diet filled with processed foods which seed oils are prominent in their inclusion. Farmers are growing these crops because the government gives them subsidies and incentives to grow what they tell them to grow. Have you ever heard of the government giving a grant or subsidy to an aspiring Garlic growing farmer?

  2. I much more appreciate a news story like this rather than exploitation of people down on their luck in a small community like this channel seems to prefer covering for years now. Bravo! Really, though, maybe I'm missing something but I don't recall seeing any news about this business before this sad story. So maybe a little better reporting BEFORE the tragedy would have been helpful in ways that might have even actually saved it from going under simply by reporting it's existence BEFORE it went away. I had no idea what that place was amd nobody else I talked to who lived around there did either. Guess I'll ss this on to them, especially those who were interested in applying there after seeing a hiring sign out front for a bit. It's been taken down and we all thought they were full or something. Anyways, mixed feelings, I know. More local reports about something other than kicking people when they're down would be SUPREMELY ENCOURAGED and it might even do a bit of good for this sad county.

  3. Can you imagine the scale of damage Walz could do from the Oval Office? Instead of squandering millions he could squander billions or even trillions. But we can only blame ourselves for voting that clown into power.

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