NELSON COUNTY SHERIFF: Numerous Tips, But No Concrete Leads in Search for Missing Woman

PETERSBURG, ND ( Nelson County Sheriff, Keith Olson says they used dogs to search and the North Dakota BCI has now seized Anne Fitzsimond’s pickup. But he says they have no solid leads yet in Anne Fitsimond’s whereabouts.
uh here’s the latest on this friday in the search for 48 year old ann fitzsimmon in nelson county north dakota she was last seen four miles north of petersburg at this farm set on october 4th a friend’s home where she walked away in the middle of the night now i talked with the sheriff keith olsen who says they did search the property with cadaver dogs and they have seized fitzsimmons pickup the north dakota bci will take a forensic look at it to see if they can find any clues in that manner but at this time sheriff olson says no solid leads on her possible whereabouts he says they’ve been getting some tips phoned in but at this point the search for uh anne fitzsimmons goes on i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. So James Brenner was just arrested in ut ,he's from north Dakota ,he did leave here around the same time she went missing …maybe someone should look in to that ….he does have a few charges of assault with the intent to murder and he's being held for another murder

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