FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) An NDSU football player has been kicked off the team and now charged with 4 felonies, after allegedly firing shots into a house early Sunday morning with a stolen pistol.
NDSU Football Career Lost After Stealing Pistol

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) An NDSU football player has been kicked off the team and now charged with 4 felonies, after allegedly firing shots into a house early Sunday morning with a stolen pistol.
It's not racist if it's true
Innocent until proven guilty, but you have been proven guilty in public opinion.
Thank you !
Now, he'll have to work in the mill, making minimum wage instead of millions playing ball
Another outstanding citizen tax payers are going to have to support
"Throwing away" a football career is the least of his issues. He may very well do time for this nonsense and that's sad. He's lucky the charges aren't worse, like murder
WOW! If he isn't crying, his lawyer needs to persue an insanity plea.
Another thug that brought his Big City crime to taint the FM area.
wanted to be gangster
Oh, he can just option the transfer portal and move to another college!
They love jail
Dumass probably wears his pants down and under ware showing, rap music will make you a better person
is it ok to be black dilbert
He can handball in prison
It’s about time there are consequences for his actions
Geez, who goes party hopping around campus with a stolen gun?
Should have never have left Chicago, the citizens there can pay for his jail time
Hernandez Larry Rodriguez Shirley Walker Donna
Send him back to Chicago millwaukee we don’t care
Johnson Matthew Thomas Daniel Williams Sarah
Lopez Karen Lewis Maria Martin John
Hall Carol Brown Donna Hall Sharon
Taylor Nancy Miller Sandra Smith Kenneth
Harris Deborah Thompson Sandra Anderson Eric
Brown Steven Brown Carol Brown Elizabeth
Them brothers get emotional and let it rule their lives.
Lopez Shirley Hernandez David Lewis Susan
You can take the BOY out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the BOY!