Native Mob Member Accused of Assaulting Infant Son and Female Partner

CROOKSTON, MN ( A member of the “Native Mob” is charged with Assaulting his infant son and an adult female.
20 year old justice a nathan long’s address is listed in grand rapids minnesota the crimes happened in crookston the court according to court documents he’s six foot five weighs 360 pounds he’s also a member of the native mob a native american prison gang in minnesota according to the woman he assaulted in february of 2022 he assaulted an adult female at the christian apartment by allegedly choking her he’s also charged with assaulting his infant male son who required emergency surgery in fargo to relieve brain swelling in court documents the surgeon gave the opinion of abusive head trauma shaken baby syndrome the treating physician said the brain swelling on the infant was the worst case of swelling she had seen in her medical career a protection order has also been issued against him for having any contact with the adult female victim i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. How sad, you wish these people would just go delete themselves instead. Imagine if each person that is arrested for a serious crime was asked if they grew up with their father in the house what the results would be.

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