1. Neil, the part that you said doesn't make sense at 3:23
    I think what he was saying is that the other guy has the same model phone. That might be why he couldn't unlock it. He was trying to use his friend's phone.

  2. Malcolm is a good person, he did not mean for something like this to happen. U can see how painful this is for him to have come back to reality to realize this horrible situation had unfolded. U can see it on his face, he wasn't crying bcuz he was caught he was crying bcuz he was truly horrified that he accidently did this to one of his best friends. That in itself is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. Malcom is a very caring person, so the charge NDakotas police are throwing at him is some bullshit, claiming indifference to human life, he realized the horrible situation that occurred and he tried to get into a cellphone to call for help and was inhibited by being under the influence and so he did the next best thing he then went to the police down the street to seek help. He did not try to run or conceal the facts, he cared enough for his friend that he sought help knowing that he was going to be taken in. It's a very unfortunate situation, but we don't have all the facts of the circumstances surrounding the incident bcuz NO ONE ELSE WAS THERE. This is a perfect example of why you always have a sober person/spirit guide or whatever U wanna call it around when everyone is on mind altering substances.

  3. You know there are other people much worse situations. Planned multiple murders for instance, did not get life. Whom are these judges making the call for an accident. Justice system is corrupt.
    Mushrooms are also given to patients for depress anxiety. Something just don’t sit right. 🤔

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