Mother sentenced to prison for involvement in infant’s death: The full story unraveled

JAMESTOWN, ND ( A Carrington, North Dakota woman has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and the entire story behind the death of her baby.
this out of Sussman County in Jamestown North Dakota justice Lange has been sentenced to 12 years in prison and two years of supervised probation on a negligent homicide charge the charges stem from July of last summer when her four month old baby was found deceased in a slough northwest of Jamestown here’s a report we first filed on July 17th on details regarding the death of that child I news now has exclusive new information of what allegedly led to the death of the four month old baby boy of justice Lange in Stutsman County North Dakota earlier this month we’ve obtained a transcript of the oral probable cause hearing which for the first time will publicly lay out what allegedly happened 25 year-old justice Lange of Carrington has been charged with manslaughter and child neglect after her four month old baby boy was found deceased in some Reed’s along this slough near Woodworth North Dakota about 27 miles northwest of Jamestown judge jay schmidt state’s attorney Fritz fremgen and detective Jason Falk were at the probable cause hearing the transcript from that hearing which determined the charges says in part this is detective Falk speaking On June 28th 2018 our office took a report of a missing person child endangerment type situation the father of this child caught called and reported that his girlfriend the mother of the child had taken off in a vehicle that she didn’t own the vehicle hit he was buying the court says is that person justice Lange detective Falk responds yes the court okay detective Falk again he reported that she’s a meth addict and she took off with the kid and felt that she was off using drugs and in hiding he informed us that she was wanted which we confirmed she had numerous warrants for so a bolo was sent out for a welfare check and I believe Carrington PD listed the vehicle as stolen and that was basically all we knew other than he did say that she was last she had contacted him and said she was in the Woodworth area but he felt that she was with somebody or that she was just basically in hiding from him with the child and they were kind of fight fighting on July 6 detective Falk says they took a report of an individual driving down a gravel road which would be south of the Woodworth the southeast of Woodworth in Stutsman County of a woman walking found walking along the road barefoot wearing only a tank top and bra and he came upon her and picked her up he knew it was justice Lange justice Lange the guy knew justice his grandparents and that she lived up with up in Carrington justice didn’t say anything – according to the guy that gave her a ride she didn’t say anything about her baby she said she had been out living by a slew for the last few days and he gave her a ride to her parents and dropped her off or to her grandparents the grandparents reported to us in an interview that she showed up she wasn’t wearing any clothes other than the tank top and bra she was covered in ticks son Bert and was didn’t have the baby with and when they asked her where the baby was she told them in the water they called law enforcement and I think an ambulance took her to the hospital in Carrington again this is detective Falk talking myself and Special Agent Rummel conducted an interview with her that day in the hospital she told us that she remembers being in the Woodworth area and having vehicle trouble and that she was at the bar got some help from a lady at the bar but doesn’t remember anything else after that up until walking out in a field missing her pants her underwear her shoes missing everything and her and the baby was out in the field her vehicle was located approximately two miles a mile and a half two miles from where she had been picked up a couple of miles from where she’d been picked up a subsequent search was started we did locate items the vehicle was stuck it had driven through a farm yard the farmer that lived there saw the vehicle on the 28th drive through his yard and then into his he has a trail that goes through his crop fields he didn’t draw he did drive up there he didn’t see the vehicle but he didn’t go far enough where he would have seen the vehicle because the vehicle eventually got off the trail and was driving in a cornfield between a cornfield and pasture the vehicle got stuck or was stuck it had gas there was baby for me there was water food some food things like that baby items in the vehicle again detective Falk talking here the opposite direction of where that farm would have been from the vehicle the farm would have been southeast of the vehicle and it appears that justice and the baby walked West straight West a car seat was found we were we kind of were able to track her along where we were finding items were located a car seat a baby bib bottle a changed diaper things like that going west of the vehicle and then we found a spot near a body of water where it looked like somebody had spent a lot of time everything was trampled down and things like that this area it’s very hilly but if you get up on a hill you can see two or three farms from the hills justice in her initial statement told us that the baby she liked Dave for day three day for someone there I don’t recall exactly what she said but a couple of days after being there the baby was not waking up and that she went into the water and was splashing water on the baby to revive him and that the slew she was by was really muddy and when she walked back up she didn’t have the baby anymore we asked her if the baby was dead she said yes we asked her specifically if the baby was in the water she said yes we continued our search we did not locate the baby we also found her pants or underwear her shoes all along this trail going west of this pickup detective Falk says on day two I did another phone interview with justice and this one she said the baby didn’t die in the water she said the baby died in her arms she said she had gone down to the water splashed water on the baby to try and revive him but she couldn’t revive and he died in her arms and that and that she then went up to the shore and she placed the baby in the reeds next to a body of water detective Faulk sill talking having been out there I wasn’t out there the first time I spoke to her I was out there the second time having been out there now I have more landmarks so when I talked to her we narrowed down the slew she basically guided us right to where the body of the baby was then found initially justice stated she hadn’t used meth for a couple of days I did an interview yesterday I believe it was with her and where she admitted that she had bought from meth from she worked for the carnival and she bought meth from an individual well that works at the carnival as well are actually that her boyfriend Jason bought the meth for both of them and that she had shot up she’s an intravenous user and she shot up right before she left with a baby she still does not know why she was living up at word worth so she can’t remember still doesn’t know why she was up there and she doesn’t remember how she got stuck and any of those things she claims she does not remember any of that still detective Falk talking BCI did locate the individual her a boyfriend Jason Wilde also corroborated that story that the day she went missing he went and bought meth off an individual from the carnival BCI yesterday did locate that vehicle did end up doing his subsequent search and located some meth that individual admitted that Jason on the day she went missing did try to buy meth off him but he wouldn’t claimed he didn’t sell it to him this is now state state’s attorney mr. fremgen very good thank you cause of death autopsy detective Falk says preliminary autopsy results are died of malnutrition the court says all right and the baby was how old detective Faulk four months the court and has it been confirmed that justice Lange had methamphetamine in her system or don’t you or you don’t know yet detective fault I don’t have no I don’t have medical records but usually it only stays in your system like four days and she was out there longer than that the judge says all right detective Faulk so I don’t know that she will she did admit to using meth the day of the judge did she have any explanation for why she was so disoriented that even after three days she didn’t really know what she was doing or or what to do detective Faulk she said that she thought somebody was coming for her the judge she was under some kind of delusional thinking all right anything further deputy detective Faulk no your honor the judge then says Mr fremgen to the who is the state’s attorney is there any questions you’d like to wish to ask of witness mister fremgen deputy Falk the location of the slew is in Stutsman County correct detective that’s correct fremgen and about how many days do you think it was that justice Lange was out in the country detective Faulk from June 28th to July 6th the court she was missing that entire time detective Faulk yes mister fremgen does she have any indication of where she got food or water or if she did detective Faulk she said she drank water from the slew the judge and there was food in the pickup still that she walked away from detective Faulk uh-huh the judge all right anything else mr. fremgen no thank you the court all right based on the deputy’s testimony I will find there’s probable cause for the charges I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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