Mother Places Children in Grocery Cart Without Winter Clothes in Minus 8-Degree Weather

WILLISTON, MN ( A woman is shown in a facebook video putting children in a shopping cart with no winter clothing in temperatures of eight-degrees below zero.
this is a video posted on Facebook out of Williston North Dakota the woman who took it says it was at 8 a.m. in a grocery store parking lot and the temperature was -8 degrees you can see the mom here in this video peers to be a bit aggressive or their kids the one child getting them out of the vehicle but you’ll notice no clothes or hats or mittens on and it’s apparently 8 degrees below zero at this point the incident was reported to police and I’m told by one of the folks out in the Williston Police Department has been to refer to social services and they hope to hear more here shortly from detective Daniel Hendricks I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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