Mother of Bemidji Man Shot Through Open Window Demands Answers

BEMIDJI, MN ( A Bemidji man was shot twice through an open window of his home nearly 2 weeks ago. At this point, police have not made public mention of the incident. Meanwhile, the victim’s mother wants answers.
a bemidji mother wants some answers nearly two weeks ago on august 11th at 2 am someone shot her 18 year old son twice he’s still hospitalized she says the suspect shot through an open window of their home along miles avenue on the south end of bemidji at this point bemidji police have not mentioned the incident publicly nor has the mother received any updates on a possible suspect in this case we have her on the phone now she requested we don’t use her name um what happened was that my son and his little brother were watching a movie and um i would just you know see how they were doing they were doing fine and it was two o’clock in the at night and i was about to like go to sleep and and i closed my eyes and all i hear is one shot i jumped up my other son was on the bed and i jumped and then the guy that was standing from the window pull he pulled out a gun in front of him and shot the second time and it got my kid two shots got him and my son went down and he was knew he was shot he was telling me to call and i call 9-1-1 and i told him to hurry up because my son’s been shot and so they rushed him to bemidji here and had two surgeries already so then they air fly them out to fargo and yesterday he had a sick surgery um he got shot in the lower stomach the bullet went through from his other side and the other one i think like kind of hit his arm but the other bullet went through my uh my bedroom wall and hit the dresser and they found a a bullet in my room shell case bullet so does this the guy who did the shooting did he shoot through a window or it was he in the house no what happened was that um when my son was uh he must hear them like talking and he was telling his little brother he’s like um i could hear somebody outside by my window and then my mom she must hurt somebody talking because her window was opened and she could hear some people talking by his window and there was like two people that were involved and the other one who had that gun was saying he’s in there he’s in there i could hear him in the window so they went by my window and my the curtain fell like because i have a curtain that fell and my son was standing from the window and i thought i thought he hit the window like shattered my window but when the window was opened that’s when they came around the corner of my house and they just shot two like two fires at him and then that’s all remember that he went down and okay so they shot through an open window yeah because the window was like was it was closed but he opened the window and then he was standing right from the window and then the guy came around the corner and shot two fires at him and got him shot him twice any idea why he would do that um no i don’t i think they’re just i think they’re jealous of my son they’re jealous of him and um he knows that he doesn’t know who did it but he’s he’s trying to remember you know because there’s a lot out there and so i think because he was i think they’re jealous of my son like really bad because my son dresses really nice and you know he’s a good kid he doesn’t go out he’s no gang or nothing he just he stays home pretty much um and have police told you anything have they been able to track anybody down or what’s happening with that we’ll be well there’s no but like we’ve been waiting to see who did it or trying to find out you know if they’re you know somebody can confirm up and talk you know who did it and um so we don’t know but we want to find out who did it all right and that police haven’t told you anything so far no i’ve been waiting for like a long time and i’m waiting for them for investigators i guess to see you know they didn’t say nothing you know but i just want to get to the bottom of who shot my son i’m neal carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. Bemidji had a sheriff some years ago that was determined to put a stop to the drugs, and gang activity in Beltrami County but others in law enforcement were going to have nothing with his cracking down on the crime, drugs and gangs.
    They trashed him so bad that it destroyed his marriage and drove him to the point of resigning.
    He went to Cass Lake and they did the same over there.
    Bemidji deserves what they are getting.
    They refuse to admit there is a problem or do anything about it.
    To many cops, lawyers and judges on the take.
    Didn't help when they had a cocaine addict for a prosecuting attorney.
    I can't imagine the prosecuting attorney they have now is any better.
    They just keep cutting repeat offender loose to commit another crime and do harm to someone else.

  2. Damn. Wonder what he did. It could be jealousy. You never know. My son dresses dope asf and we live in MPLS, in a poor neighborhood . all the other N8V kids that go to his high school are good to him, he never gets picked on, he stays to himself for the most part except at school. So jealousy? Idk unless he’s getting money, he’s a drug dealer. Drug deal gone bad?

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