Moorhead resident charged with rape

MOORHEAD, MN ( A Moorhead, Minnesota man is facing rape charges, after the female victim told investigators things got foggy when they were drinking alcohol.
18-year-old Tavon Blain stel of Morehead Minnesota is facing major sex crime charges according to the criminal complaint the female victim who was under 18 was drinking alcohol with stle at his Morehead residence on June 20th of 2023 when things got in her words foggy the victim says stle allegedly got on top of her and raped her and as she told him to stop and continued with other sexual acts the victim described being grossed out and humiliated she also provided the detective with an apology letter stel had sent her the detective attempted to speak with stel but he declined without an attorney present ton stel has been charged with first degree criminal sexual conduct victim under 18 that charge carries a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison he’s also been charged with third degree criminal sexual conduct I’m Neil Carl reporting for


  1. This kid is my neighbor, and I can tell you for a fact that this girl is lying and making this up. He is a good boy and not a woman abuser. Now, thanks to the media, everyone at the school is posting his picture everywhere and calling him a rapist. What amazes me is that this is the 3rd kid that this girl does this to. She has a history of threatening boys that break up with her with Rape! It is obvious that the police have not bothered doing their homework on this bogus set of charges. It is not a slam dunk, and they have a very weak case against this poor boy whose life they are running with just the accusation. We need to prosecute women who falsely accuse boys and men of false crimes because they don't get their way. We as a society must stop this abuse of the law. We must also fix our corrupt court system in the FM area. They do what they want with you if you have no money for your defense. Abuse of the judicial system has gone far enough.

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