Moorhead Man Faces Six Felony Charges for Alleged Threats Against Family

Ryan D. Swanson
Ryan D. Swanson

MOORHEAD, MN ( – Ryan David Swanson of Moorhead, Minnesota, is facing six felony counts of threats of violence. According to court documents, his family members banned Swanson from a Clay County property. On April 28th, the victims found an upside-down flag taped to their door. The following day, during a prolonged phone call with his family, Swanson repeatedly demanded the trespass order against him be lifted. He allegedly stated, “He’ll send Freedom Fighters. I’ll burn every effing building to the ground. It’s war now if you don’t clear my name.” As of Friday, May 17th, Swanson remains in jail.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. He saw the democrat senator rob her own family member, last month and nothing happened. I dont really think political views should be an excuse for felony offenses.

  2. Sad case , he used to rent house from me.
    He ended up screwing us out of thousands of dollars in rent and the house was trashed by the time we got him out . He Used to be reliable and personable years back , then he lost it . Sad case .

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