Moorhead (— Carlos Ismail Garcia is in hot water after being caught shoplifting twice in just three days at a Fargo Kohl Store, according to court records.
March 8th: Garcia was allegedly spotted cutting theft tags off jewelry and was found in possession of several items valued at less than $1,000. He was charged with misdemeanor removal of a theft detection device.
March 10th: Just two days later, Garcia struck again—this time for two vacuum cleaners and a mixer with a combined value exceeding $11,000. This led to a felony theft of property charge.
From petty theft to felony in 48 hours—will Garcia face serious jail time? Stay tuned for updates!
I’m Chris Harper, reporting for TRF News.
Did you know?
Carlos Ismail Garcia of Morehead was arrested twice in three days in Fargo for shoplifting. The first incident involved jewelry, and the second escalated to stealing two vacuum cleaners and a mixer worth over $11,000!