Monalisa Perez receives sentencing for fatally shooting boyfriend in YouTube stunt

ADA, MN ( Monalisa Perez was sentenced, after pleading guilty to 2nd Degree Manslaughter in the shooting death of her boyfriend. Prosecutor James Brue says Perez made a statement to the Court through her attorney.
last June Mona Lisa Perez a shot and killed her boyfriend Pedro release after he convinced her to shoot him in the chest while he held a book to his chest to stop the bullet she shot him with a 50 caliber pistol he died today Perez pled guilty to second-degree manslaughter and was sentenced here’s a Norman County Attorney James brew yeah the judge followed the plea agreement on sentence or 48 months in prison that’s going to be CA for 10 years she’s being placed on supervised probation for 10 years 180 days probationary jail time that Academy broke adopts unity 30 days on a year no that’s taken care of and then the standard felony conditions which in this case would include a lifetime prohibition against possessing a firearm hi youtube friends it’s mommy and poppy and today we’re coming at you with another challenge video you know in today’s challenge is gonna be the whisper challenge okay did I miss Perez that make any statements in court she did not personally through her attorney she expressed her grief and her sorrow if this has happened okay at that time your feeling to or if you’re not willing to comment on that that this was that they I don’t know if I should say accident but uninformed incident yeah kind of my feelings on this is a you know this plea agreement was apart from the guidelines and I never take the decision in part from the guidelines lightly in any case especially in a case that involves of tragic deaths but I believe that this plea agreement strikes an appropriate balance between holding her accountable for her culpable negligence that led to the completely avoidable and tragic death of a dog breeds and also balances the reality of this foolish stunt was dreamed up planned and executed by Pedro as and she wrongfully and tragically relied on his assurances to someone safe I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news dot TV

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