MN GOV.: “Chaos”, Minneapolis Protests-Riots Continue Saturday
MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( Minnesota Governor Tim Walz says the largest deployment of National Guard since the 1960’s has been called out in Minneapolis to control protesting.
MN Governor: “Chaos Persists,” Minneapolis Protests and Riots Continue Saturday

4 scumbag cops. Created this.
Professional arsonist in the crowd.
Wake up people, the arrests at riot were people from out of state, deepstate/mafia, nothing they have done yet destroyed us so they start killing minorities, that cop knew and worked with the victim George for 17 years together… please wake up to the fact that there are dangerous groups trying to create infighting and enslave us all. Check violent protestors and their ID, if out of state, don't let them go until checked out. Soros billionaire payed thugs roving all over the US and are an enimey to everyone here. This is not party or country related, these are mafia families that care nothing about us, in disguise as normal decent people.
So happy with the results of the riots. They're true Patriots. Peacefully protesting like Colin Kaepernick is a waste of time.
Fox news showed them that. You showed them that. Now they've abandoned you. You're not their countrymen.
There are also a lot of white people there. The baby boomer generation. Has failed their children. The same children that are near modern generations. They get it. They too are financially fked.
You religious nuts. You corrupt bigots. You selfish and comfortable. They rebel against you. You are destroying our nation's spirit.

liberal leadership at it best
We need to make better distinctions with people based on their behavior. I don't like the words uprising or rebellion being applied to people who are looting.
This is ridiculous. Time for the “shooting “ I think.
1:30 there shopping /they don’t have anything to lose ,I hope justice will be fair and there will be no bail .
A psyop gone bad. I think it was supposed to be scripted but it failed. I really think they tried to do the Bill Gates thing and religion stood them up, then they tried the racial divide thing and the kids in the inner city didn't bite, I think they tried and it's not working so far, next they will try to get a celebrity to take over the kids movement and direct it
This what happens when you take people's money and give it to the stock market.
When people have nothing to lose… they'll lose it
Opportunist to get free stuff is all this is. Going about it all the wrong way. This is disgusting to watch. What happened to Floyd was wrong but this is just stupid
Orchestrated To Avoid Passing The Next Stimulus Cares-2 Bill,Exposing PIZZAGATE,And More.Those Running The Country Lack Nothing And Want More.
This is about inequity – that's exactly where it has come from.
You just going to blow nose in the video??
You see how the pigs spraying while driving ? So Fck you you deserved all this fck your system and your cops go to hell !
This is so shameful! It was organized by people with $$$$ to get this going!!!
Must be so proud of your state & city, you need to leave and take that idiot mayor with you
Ok I understand why these black people are angry . But why attacking innocent people's properties?
thank god I wasnt born in this country
Vote the democratic out!!!!