Minnesota Passes Marijuana Bill, Still Needs Conference Committee Version For Final Approval
ST. PAUL, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Minnesota State Senate has passed a recreational marijuana bill by 1 vote. The bill still needs to go to a conference committee for final details. Governor Walz has said he’ll sign it.
Minnesota Passes Marijuana Bill, Awaits Conference Committee Approval for Final Version

They should be more worried about cleaning up the Hell hole that is Minneapolis
If you want your population to be dumb, docile, and compliant, legal marijuana is a great tool.
Legalize it
Another state blowing off federal law.
Weed was used as a currency in this New World for 200 years before this nation was formed. Washington and Jefferson stated .. cultivate ye the hemp. Hemp is not a weed you smoke. It's diff. Weed was not Illegal until the modern world of profiteers called Lawyers got total control over the courts and cops that protect them. Let's go Brandon. Can we please send more money to Ukraine. Tanks on the Border. Oh yes And can we send our last few jobs somewhere overseas.
Surprised a bit? No. Minnesota has usually been more lax than Iowa. Convincing the Iowa legislature to follow suit may be tough as 1 billion rail road spikes at once time. Reply is welcome. Getting a bit buzzy may help get a full night's sleep.

Republicans are so fking dumb when it comes to marijuana
Interesting how people are now putting drug dealers into office these days. It used to be that people with good character and integrity were put into high offices.
This is what GOD says: Be sober minded and vigilant because your enemy the devil roams about like a Lion seeking whom he can devour. But these sick minded drug addicts who are nothing but organized crime members who want to gain from killing the youth will talk up and down trying to tell everyone there is nothing wrong with cannabis. Well if there is no effects from Using cannibus then why use it????? THAT IS BECAUSE IT DOES AFFECT PEOPLE AND THAT IS WHY THEY WANT IT TO PASS EVERYWHERE. Personally I cannot believe just how stupid people have become and how easily they can be talked into doing wrong things. Anymore it is like Everyone just jumps on the greed bandwagon all the time. How about we create real jobs for our youth and how about we teach people how to cope with life without DRUGS??? Man that seems to be a new concept these days.
You all are so LOST, what you are doing is selling out the youth. This woman has no idea what she is really saying. WE NEVER SELL OUT THE KIDS. It is really a shame that we have have put into office organized crime members.
Legalize it
“WEED out old marijuana laws,” and “I’m going to BLUNT Mr President!” I think she’s trying out for a standup comedy open mic night.
What stats is Sen Quade quoting from?
Sure glad you folks can get the important business done in MN! Now let’s talk about the surplus that belongs to the people…god, for stupid…Pat yourselves on the back.
So Minnesota legalized recreational marijuana?