Minnesota Nuclear Power Plant Experiences Radioactive Leak

MONTICELLO, MN (trfnews.i234.me & trfnews.i234.me) Work is underway to cleanup a radioactive leak at a nuclear power plant in Monticello, Minnesota. Officials say it has not left the plant site or contaminated ground water.
well minnesotans weren’t notified until nearly four months after Excel Energy reported this two state and federal Regulators a radioactive water leak at its Monticello Monticello Nuclear Plant Excel Regional president Chris Clark indicates the utility had the option of telling the public sooner however we knew there wasn’t a public safety risk or concern here our Focus was really on understanding what we needed to do to remedy that situation Clark said Excel notified state and federal federal authorities immediately focusing on finding uh and containing the leak and did not want to create an undue concern a state Pollution Control agency official says the public was notified Thursday almost three months after the leak was patched because we have now sufficient information to be able to share it to a wider group Neil Berg here that was from our news Partners at krox radio now this from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency quote the leak has not left the facility’s site or contaminated drinking water sources the Minnesota Pollution Control agency in coordination with the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is monitoring Excel Energy’s efforts to clean up a release of water contaminated with tritium detected at the company’s Monticello Nuclear Generating plant Excel Energy reported the leak to the Minnesota duty officer a nuclear Regulatory Commission in late November 2022 after finding unusual results during routine water groundwater monitor train the leak has been stopped and has not reached the Mississippi River or contaminated drinking water sources there is no evidence at this time to indicate any risk to drinking water wells in the vicinity of the plant tritium is a naturally occurring radioactive form of hydrogen that is produced in the atmosphere it is a byproduct of the production of electricity by nuclear power plants state agencies are actively reviewing data including well sampling results provided by Excel Energy and overseeing Remediation efforts the company continues to update state agencies about cleanup efforts and share data from ongoing groundwater monitoring the company reported about 400 000 gallons of the water containing tritium leak from the water pipe running between two buildings at its Monticello facility the leak was stopped and the company is monitoring the groundwater plume through two dozen Wells Xcel Energy is also will pump in contaminated groundwater through extraction Wells the Pumped water is being stored and some of it is being reused on site quote our top priority is protecting residents and the environment and the mpca is working closely with other state entered agencies to oversee Xcel Energy’s monitoring data and clean up activities said Kirk kodalatka mpca assistant commissioner for land and strategic initiatives we are working to ensure this cleanup is concluded as thoroughly as possible with minimal or no risk to drinking water supplies XL Energy is exploring building above ground storage tanks or installing a retention Pond to store water containing tritium that has been collected during ongoing recovery activities the company is also considering options for treatments reuse our final disposal of the collected tritium tritium and water Minnesota state agencies will review any options selected by XL Energy I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me



  2. This is why Nuclear power plants need to be State Owned!

    In France all Nuclear plants are state owned, and the level of standardisation and government monitoring prevents any accidents like this!

  3. Tritium is a relatively weak source of beta radiation, which itself is too weak to penetrate the skin. However, it can increase the risk of cancer if consumed in extremely large quantities. Tritium can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion or absorption through the skin. Yep illness mutation death, for the next 1,000yrs, down the Mississippi River

  4. its RIGHT ON not one but two rivers. they say 400,000 gallons, really? EXACTLY 400,000 gallons; not one gallon more??? nonsense…better to say it is estimated to have been [more or less] 400,000 gallons. and WHERE did it GUSH out at??? a few feet or yards from those rivers? or right n a fully lined impervious concrete containment enclosure? facts details please. to many serious details missing to be screaming that nothing to see here and all is safe. it probably poured out for days…or weeks undetected and soaked into the ground near or even into those rivers…they just wont admit it. they are counting on the rivers to dilute it down. maybe THEY also only found out about the leak NOW, themselves! another thing they can paper over and back tract on. and if its that much and not having poured into a containment enclosure then a TON of poisoned dirt needs to be hauled out to SOMEWHERE…people should see the trucks coming and going. its [at least ] admitted that the radioactivity is MILLIONS of times greater than any safe harmless amounts found in natural conditions…wow..scary part is they admitted this part…so its probably way worst

  5. I want to know how this news came to be if the event occurred back in Nov 2022. Did the news come out because News outlets made story of it now? Or did the companies involved announce it? Any kind of nuclear exposure is no joke. I'm definitely not trusting what they say. Similar thing is happening in Ohio right now too with the train leakage of pollutants.

  6. So basically this is how they deal with their wastewater and probably has been leaking a long long time. There is no way it could NOT have reached the MS river and no way it didn't reach the ground water. Because it is bound by the laws of nature and must yield to the hydrological cycle.

  7. This "journalist" is so uneducated he can't even pronounce "tritium"… sounds like he never heard the word in his life. It's awful he's the one trying to convince us of the script he's clearly reading (trying to read). This is clearly another nuclear waste disaster. Millions of times worse than an oil spill. Thorium or green energy is the only way forward. Nuclear is 75 year old experimental tech that has had too many problems to count. Just chernobl and 3 mile island and Fukushima alone should be enough besides the 60 or so radiated water leaks in the usa alone. (About 1 every year.)

  8. Liar's! beware people of Minnesota, look at what happened at the east Palestine Ohio situation, they promised it was safe and look at what's happening there right now! I sincerely hope and pray that they really are telling the truth and this is just speculation, but there's just too much at steak. God please help us all!

  9. Yeah I find that absolutely terrifying and if I was a resident in Monticello I would sell my house and move away and I wouldn't eat or drink anything in that town my personal opinion that place needs to be shut down decommissioned and forgotten nothing but neglected and unsafe procedures

  10. Oh and you tell me 400,000 gallons hasn't leaked out the facility and into the river or surrounding aquifer in that area I don't care I haven't been up there since and I have no desire to that's Unforgivable

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