Minnesota and North Dakota are included in Biden’s announcement of a significant increase in electric vehicle battery production.

MINNESOTA-NORTH DAKOTA (trfnews.i234.me) Companies in Minnesota and North Dakota are included in an announcement by President Biden for a major ramp up of electric vehicle battery production across the Country.
the new nickel use is stainless steel but also the electric vehicle boom so if the electric vehicles have a battery that uses nickel to extend its range [Music] our goal is to produce green nickel to be used for the electric vehicle industry President Biden has announced 2.8 billion dollars of the massive infrastructure bill will be used in part to ramp up battery production for electric vehicles at 20 companies Across America including Minnesota and North Dakota 114 million dollars is going to Talon Metals which mines Nickel in Tamarack Minnesota that will be shipped to a new ore processing plant in Mercer County North Dakota Stanton is the county seat where the heck is it written that we can’t be the manufacturing Hub of the world well we are now and that’s what we’re going to be announcing talking about today it’s about my industrial strategy to bring America back manufacturing and industries and of the future semiconductors and clean energy that includes the bipartisan infrastructure law that I signed and it was a once a generation investment in our nation’s roads Bridges railroads ports airports water systems and high-speed internet Federal infrastructure funding is helping states and cities with these projects all across the country but the infrastructure law also invests in people and companies that are going to build our future like electric vehicles and advanced batteries that are going to power those vehicles this is critically important because the future of vehicles is electric but the battery is a key part of that electric vehicle and right now 75 percent of the folks on the screen can tell you 75 percent of that battery manufacturing is done in China and that’s why today I’m proud to announce 2.8 billion dollars in Awards to 20 companies represented on this screen across 12 States funded by the infrastructure law to build electric vehicles in the battery future here in America nearly 200 companies applied for these grants only 20 were selected from Georgia to North Carolina to Nevada to the state of Washington we have awarded this funding


  1. this is completely so backwards that they are pushing electric cars that run on electricity that is at all time high with extremely dated electrical grids failing all over the country!! These uneducated willing ignorant ppl bought into a what 14-year-old uneducated suddenly genius in climate change that it's because of mankind we are in this sudden downward spiral with our climate! One small volcanic eruption puts out more carbon emission than all the worlds' vehicles, tractors planes and ppl etc. and animals it would take all of us 5 years to produce what one small eruption does. And of course, no one is allowed to question the gamma ray burst that clipped the south pole that led to the massive ice sheet breaks in 2001 that then led the massive ice melt in the north pole. region. And we just got hit with a gamma burst last week early which led to the loss of electric to entire cities in central east Asia! And news flash the gamma ray that clipped us in 2001 sheered of some of our atmosphere and another news flash, we still haven't recovered from it. so ask the real question here, what is causing our sun to go into hyper CME mode daily and by the way is increasing daily? Because every time we get hit with a CME, it lowers our magnetic shield allows our planets core to take on more radiation which then heats it up and not only expands and warps the planet, but thins our plates, look up saltwater intrusion in the central USA that is showing up in lakes and rivers. Point is, this same issue is also heating up lithium batteries and car batteries. = fire and explosions. Taht's what happens when batteries heat up. So the real question is, what is happening around our sun to cause plasma and filament to be pulled off at alarming rates along with the CMEs?

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