Message to Trump Supporters from Senate Majority Leader McConnell Regarding Election Results

WASHINGTON D.C. ( The speech by Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell wasn’t heard by many following Wednesday’s attack on the Capitol, but he makes his case for Trump supporters on why they should accept the presidential election results.
we’re debating a step that has never been taken in american history whether congress should overrule the voters and overturn a presidential election absurd 36 years in the senate this will be the most important vote i’ve ever cast president trump claims the election was stolen the assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments to sweeping conspiracy theories i supported the president’s right to use the legal system dozens of lawsuits received hearings in courtrooms all across our country but over and over the courts rejected these claims including all-star judges whom the president himself has nominated every election we know features some illegality and irregularity and of course that’s unacceptable i support strong state-led voting reforms last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm but my colleagues nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence the constitution gives us here in congress a limited role we cannot simply declare ourselves a national board of elections on steroids the voters the courts and the states have all spoken they’ve all spoken if we overrule them it would damage our republic forever this election actually was not unusually close just in recent history 1976 2000 and 2004 were all closer than this one the electoral card college margin is almost identical to what it was in 2016. this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side our democracy would enter a death spiral we’d never see the whole nation except an election again every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost the electoral college which most of us on this side have been defending for years would cease to exist leaving many of our states with no real say at all in choosing a president the effects would go even beyond the elections themselves self-government my colleagues requires a shared commitment to the truth and a shared respect for the ground rules of our system we cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share every time every time in the last 30 years said democrats have lost a presidential race they’ve tried a challenge just like this after 2000 after 2004 after 2016. [Music] after 2004 a senator joined and forced the same debate and believe it or not democrats like harry reid dick durbin and hillary clinton praised praised them and applauded the stunt republicans condemned those baseless efforts back then and we just spent four years condemning democrats shameful attacks on the validity of president trump’s own election so look there can be no double standard the media that is outraged today spent four years aiding and abetting democrats attacks on our institutions after they lost but we must not imitate and escalate what we repudiate our duty is to govern for the public good the united states senate has a higher calling than an endless spiral of partisan vengeance congress will either override the voters overrule them the voters the states and the courts for the first time ever or honor the people’s decision will either guarantee democrats delegitimizing efforts after 2016 become a permanent new routine for both sides or declare that our nation deserves a lot better than this we’ll either hasten down a poisonous path where only the winners of election actually accept the results or show we can still muster the patriotic courage that our forebearers showed not only in victory but in defeat the framers built the senate to stop short-term passions from boiling over and melting the foundations of our republic so i believe protecting our constitutional order requires respecting the limits of our own power it would be unfair and wrong to disenfries disenfranchise american voters and overrule the courts and the states on this extraordinarily thin basis and i will not pretend such a vote would be a harmless protest gesture while relying on others to do the right thing i will vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it


  1. Mitch McConnell your a traitor and liar to the American people who paid you under the table to say what they wanted to say to the American people you been in your office to long time for you to leave and not come back

  2. What a crock of bullshit stirring in the pot of Congress, TRUMP 2020, BIDEN will never be my president 2021-2024 he's a piece of, you know the rest people, our nation for the next 4 years is screwed till TRUMP 2024!! He will have the last laugh on this, WATCH!!

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