WASHINGTON D.C. (trfnews.i234.me) Minnesota education officials say cutting the Department of Education will mean a major cut to the state education budget, which will move to local tax payers.
Massive Minnesota Education Funding Cut Due to Department of Education Cut

If the state government could do their jobs, instead of acting like 6th graders (unable to think), our students would be better off than their parents. But here we are……
Awesome !!!!!!!! Thank you President Trump
Lotta uneducated saying education isn't important.
Praise God
Good job trump! But he did say if you keep teaching children that weird LHDTV stuff he'd stop funding immediately. Follow the law Minnesota
Time to cut the FAT in all aspects of government. President Trump
Doom and gloom! The media business model!
Does Mr professional argue politics in here too?
More liberal activism from inewz. This is a win for children. A loss for the adults wasting money while doing nothing to improve education scores.
Just curious…was it Education money that put tampons in the boys room or did that come from another area?
Good we pay too much on schools for bad test scores