Massive Pileup On Interstate-94 East Of Minneapolis
OSSEO, WI ( Emergency responders at a massive pileup on Interstate-94 east of Minneapolis.
* Sunday afternoon crash scene has been cleared.
Massive Collision on Interstate-94 East of Minneapolis

Swift is innocent this time
Of course DOT shows up AFTER the pileup.
OK people….this is not rocket science. A few key things to remember:
1) NO CRUISE CONTROL when roads are snowy or icy. Don't even be tempted. It's a disaster waiting to happen.
2) Going TOO SLOW is as dangerous (or more) than going too fast
3) Keep spacing and don't rush…..icy and snowy roads are a time for synchronous driving. ALL should go the same speed, maintaining spacing.
4) When you hit ice…LET THE CAR ROLL. Don't hit brake or accelerator. Just let it roll for a few seconds till you are off. This is particularly true when passing underneath viaducts.
For god's sake folks….. just use common sense….get off the phone, …..and DRIVE.