Marijuana Confiscated in Mahnomen, Minnesota: Latest Update

MAHNOMEN, MN ( & Marijuana was seized from a Mahnomen, Minnesota smoke shop this week. We have the latest on this developing story.
here’s the latest on marijuana being seized at a Mahnomen Minnesota smoke shop uh Todd Thompson here the owner of the store Shonen a son a photo submitted by an eye news viewer as of the end of business on Thursday no charges have been filed in menomone County Court we’ll keep watch on that and update the story if anything else happens in the meantime here’s our report from RJ broadcasting r j broadcasting our news partner out of Mahnomen on Wednesday the day before white Earth Nation began selling recreational marijuana it was seized from a manoman business Mahnomen County Sheriff Josh Gunther tells RNG news what happened there was a search warrant conducted at the asima tobacco and pipe shop in Mahnomen our drug enforcement agents uh were for with the Paul Bunyan drug task force were monitoring uh Facebook page of that smoke shop and they were posting on Facebook pictures of large containers of marijuana stating that they were open for business and they were selling marijuana so a search warrant was drafted the Paul Bunyan drug task force white Earth Police Department Sheriff’s Office executed the search warrant we collected uh some amounts of of marijuana and thing and other evidence the reports will be forwarded to the county attorney’s office for charging considerations the owner of the shop 53 year old Todd Thompson was not arrested Gunther says simply belonging to the white Earth Nation doesn’t give one the ability to sell cannabis the tribal governmental body is allowed to sell but that does not mean that just any Tribal member within the boundaries of the reservation is allowed to sell and that’s where the the owner of the asima tobacco shop Todd Thompson believes that is his right is a tribal member to sell and and it’s not again that report from our news partner r j broadcasting will keep you updated if any charges are actually filed in this case I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Just give him a warning! It’s not like he’s doing anything that could harm anyone! I would love to know why they’re so anal about selling legal cannabis but it’s perfectly okay to put cancer causing agents in our food! Do they really care about our safety or do they care about the money from these big companies? I’m talking about our own government by the way! We give anything natural so much scrutiny but pharmaceutical companies can literally get away with murder and cause a drug crisis that’s among the worst epidemics in history, which is also causing more violence in an already violent drug war! Maybe we should have them go through the court system crack dealers go through just like the Chapelle skit!

  2. Why no charges ,jealous of his business tribal people get your facts right,learn your tribal laws tribal leaders give him back his cannabis illegal seize of property how you draft up papers not official paperwork go back to school and learn your laws before you act on this will see you in court,

  3. It seems to me that they're harassing Tod since he opened his tobacco shop where he leased property for his little shop. I just happened to be there one day and his shop was closed and I overheard the owner telling the sheriff and showing him what was inside Todd's shop calling it drug paraphernalia when it was actually tobacco ,etc. Todd was out in Fargo where his was hospitalized. Damn right I contacted Todd and told him what was going on while he was with his son at the hospital!

  4. At first glance this just sounds like some cops are angry that marijuana is now legal, but there are so many unanswered questions. Did he actually sell any marijuana or just post on facebook? Did the police officers tell him he wasn't allowed to sell it before confiscating his now legal to possess product? Did the tribal council contact the police department and say they didn't give permission for this business to sell and so they want the product confiscated? That would be the only way this makes sense. If the tribe gives permission for businesses to sell on reservation than I think they can no matter how much the police don't like it. The tribe might just want to lock down the marijuana business for themselves to generate revenue which would make sense.

  5. There's laws regarding marijuana still. You can't have and do with it whatever you feel.
    My thing with marijuana is if people didn't follow the laws before, what makes the state officials think these lawbreakers are going to follow them now? Many Minnesotans are drunks getting DWI's regularly. Now, getting stoned is added to that docket as it already has been? People who don't follow the laws normally will never follow them. You rewarded their bad behavior by making it legal. Why bother doing things legal when crying around about it for decades will do the trick?

    It's not going to improve crime associated with it. It's gonna get worse. A bunch of stoned, dimwits running around moreso than before. Thanks to the moronic state reps allowing this BS to continue to fester.

  6. Legal posturing for political defense of false righteousness. The fact that we've made any substance that is grown out of the ground such a political legal and humanitarian crisis goes beyond me. When the earth grows something who'd you sue and who do you arrest? We as human beings are so full of ourselves.

  7. The Government is too big and out of control. They need their budgets slashed! Ironically once they are done destroying everybody's lives with crap like this then theres no more money left in the system and they go broke as well! Why is it that no matter how hard we citizens try and be law abiding and follow the rules our own Government still insists on treating us like dirt

  8. Well you can bet his weed has 0 Fentanyl in it. So that alone is an excellent idea to all them to sell it. How about seizing cigarettes? They are 1000X worse than weed has ever been. Tax the dude and let it rip.

  9. So the reservation is upset that someone else is making money instead of just them, is that the story here? And with the help of local law enforcement that has no jurisdiction on tribal land aided in the raid at taxpayer expense. Is this also what I understand? Even though Tompson was operating on tribal land with permission, he is not allowed to partake in the tribal laws, True? It this is all true, it would appear that greed, and communistic ways are rampant in all nations.

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