Man Who Recorded the Crookston Walmart Incident: An Interview

CROOKSTON, MN ( Interview with man who recorded Crookston Walmart incident, where a Walmart employee is shown allegedly slapping the phone out of his hand.
* Walmart statement: Thank you for reaching out regarding the incident at the Crookston MN store. While we don’t discuss personnel matters, we are looking into the incident to better understand what happened.
Best, Tara Aston, Senior Manager, National Media Relations
Neil Berg here with Joshua that’s the fella involved in the incident in Walmart Sunday evening I guess just explained a pulse what happened when you’re leaving the store okay it started before I had left the store I was at the self-checkout and I was ringing up my items and I had rung up one loaf of bread and then I rung up the other one and so the lady at the island there will say she came over to me and she’s like sir you didn’t pay for something in your bag and I said okay so I was looking at the list of stuff and I went through it and I saw that the bread hadn’t been paid for and she’s like you need to pay for your bread and I was like all right that’s fine I was already past that point I was to the pay screen so I took the bread out of my bag and I put it on the cooler next to the register there and and then I started to walk out and as I was walking out I noticed that lady was having some kind of commotion behind me she was trying to get a manager and they were chasing me off the store and I had a pretty good idea at that time what was going to happen and he asked me sir can I talk to you for a minute and I said no thank you he said I need to talk to you for a minute and I said I’m sorry I don’t have time for that and he said well then I would like to look in your bag and look at your receipt to make sure you got everything and I said I don’t want to do that either he he then told me that a that he’d like me to wait there until he could have another manager come up and I said okay so I waited around that lady she came to the front of the store where I was at and Jim Anderson was telling her what was going on and I asked if I were because I said I was asked I was being accused and they said no you’re not being accused of anything I said okay well I’m not being accused of anything then why are you chasing me out of the store why do you need to look in my bag and why do you need to look at my receipt so the lady then I told her I don’t you don’t have any permission to go through my stuff you have no right to go through my stuff I said I paid for my stuff I should be able to go the lady says that she needed to lift her on my strap and she had the right to look through my stuff and I told her well if you’re gonna if you’re going to look through my stuff then I’m going to record you because you have no right to go through my stuff and I started recording and that’s where it started and where the video ended that’s where it ended and let’s go after she had knocked the phone out of my hand she made a really smart alecky response and she said oops sorry I didn’t mean to do that and as her and Jim Anderson we’re leaving they both turned around and were smiling and laughing because it was funny to them yes I talked to an officer he came to my house I’d say maybe an hour and a half after the incident and he had cleared me of any wrongdoing he said he saw on camera me making a mistake and put the bread over where on the cooler because I was not paying for it he cleared me of any wrongdoing but he also told me I am going to be banned for a year yes you are


  1. Who cares? If a Walmart employee follows u out the store ignore them . If you did not steal anything let them get your plate and call the police. Be polite and keep it moving.

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