Man Reported Missing in Northern Minnesota

NEWFOLDEN, MN ( The Marshall County, Minnesota Sheriff’s Department is asking for help in finding a man who was last seen in Newfolden on September 26, 2021.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Keith Donarski you’re asked to call: 218-745-5411.
we have a missing man out of marshall county minnesota keith donarski donarski was last seen at his parents residence in newfound last sunday afternoon he’s not been heard of heard from since last sunday evening his cell phone was last used in brookings south dakota and he’s not shown up for work all week donarski was last known driving a 2004 uh 2004 black ford pickup with minnesota license plate two five zero two g c the pickup has a distinguished front bumper as shown in the photo here if you know of the whereabouts of uh teeth or have any information you’re asked to please call the marshall county sheriff’s department at 218-745-5411 again a missing man out of marshall county minnesota keith donarski i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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