Man Chronicles His Minneapolis Riot Crimes on Facebook

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( An Illinois man is awaiting sentencing on Federal charges, after documenting his Minneapolis riot crimes on facebook.
a mental competency report was just received in minneapolis federal court on friday regarding 28 year old matthew rupert of galesburg illinois the the report remains sealed at this time he’s awaiting sentencing after earlier pleading guilty in a plea deal to arson that dropped charges of rioting and civil disorder while many face charges following the may 2020 rioting in minneapolis rupert’s case is unusual because he documented his own crimes on facebook here’s part of the investigating officer’s statement in the federal criminal complaint quote i have reviewed the facebook account bearing the display name el ricco rupert with username ricco.rupert.75 i believe that this account is operated by matthew rupert a resident of galesburg illinois on or about may 28 2020 at 10 30 at 10 53 pm rupert posted to his facebook account i’m going to minneapolis tomorrow who’s coming only goons i’m renting a hotel room earlier that same evening rupert posted other messages on his facebook account referencing the public protest occurring in the twin cities following the death of mr floyd honor about may 29th 2020 at 7 54 p.m rupert posted a video to his facebook account indicating that he was in minneapolis minnesota to participate in the public protest regarding the death of mr floyd the video apparently filmed by rupert holding his own cell phone was marked as a live video that lasted two hours and six minutes the video depicts rupert who has distinctive gold teeth on his lower gums wearing a black t-shirt white sweatpants white shoes with red tips and a white hat in the video rupert passes out explosives he indicates he possessed and encourages others to throw his explosives at law enforcement officers actively damages property and appears to light a building on fire and loots businesses in minneapolis law enforcement subsequently downloaded the posted video to pinpoint time stamps documenting rupert’s actions in the video at time stamp.01 rupert stated there are swap trucks up there they got swap trucks up there i’ve got some bombs if some of you all want to throw them back bomb them back here i got some more light it and throw it rupert makes these statements as he hands out an item with the brown casing and green wicks to other individuals based on my knowledge experience and investigation the depicted device that rupert hands out to other individuals appears to be a commercial item with a syndrical uh container a hobby fuse and main charge capable of exploding at time stamp point 31 rupert stated light that [ __ ] and throw it at them another unknown male then lit an explosive and threw it through it a rupert goes on to state he’s throwing my bombs they’re going to bomb the police with them shortly thereafter an explosion is audible in the video and rupert repeatedly yelled good shot my boy and f12 i know for my training and experience that the term i’ll say f12 is a derogatory phrase often directed at law enforcement officers at time stamp 511 rupert stated we came to riot at time step 41 15 rupert stated let’s go f up the liquor store rupert provided a tool that is used to pry a plywood board loose shortly thereafter at time stamp 4214 rupert states we need to start on a different board rupert volunteers to go into the structure and then confirms the liquor store is empty at time stamp 141.40 rupert asked for lighter fluid rupert then enters a sprint store and at time stamp 145 17 rupert stated i lit it on fire rupert then goes to nearby uh office depot and at time stamp 155 54 stated i’m going to i’m going in to get [ __ ] at time stamp 154 59 rupert videos himself taking items from the store i was on duty in minneapolis the night of may 29 2020 and i recognize many of the areas depicted in rupert’s video i am also aware that the third uh precinct of the minneapolis police department burned down during the late evening of may 29 2020 and early morning hours of may 30th 2020 the combination of these events along with the 7 54 p.m timestamp of rupert’s posted video confirmed for me that rupert’s video depict uh depicts events occurring in minneapolis minnesota during the evening of may 29th 2020 unquote that was from the criminal complaint uh matthew rupert as i said is awaiting sentencing a possible sentence of up to 20 years i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. So with all these videos why can’t the FBI can’t find,arrest,and convict all these criminals. Amazing how they can find those involved in Jan.6 capital. Democrats are criminals

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