Majority of Americans Plan to Watch High-Stakes Biden-Trump Debate

ATLANTA, GA ( – A new poll shows the majority of U.S. adults plan to watch the Thursday night debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Reflecting on their previous chaotic encounter in 2020, many anticipate high stakes and potential fireworks during this first debate since then.

According to a poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, nearly six in ten U.S. adults are extremely or very likely to watch, read, or listen to commentary about the debate. Both candidates remain broadly unpopular, adding to the intense interest. The debate will be held at CNN studios in Atlanta.


  1. No, refuse to watch Trump. He tried to overthrow the government of the United States of America. He's a traitor. The fact that people are considering voting for him means that we have already lost the country. It's over

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