Major Construction Accident In Cooperstown, ND Shocks Community

COOPERSTOWN, ND ( We had a female involved in a very serious construction accident in Cooperstown, North Dakota late Friday afternoon.
we have a report of what sounds like a very serious accident in cooperstown north dakota late on this friday afternoon uh here’s part of the emergency call just after 5 p.m cooperstown rescue superstone rescue please respond to a i ida rollin avenue and 15th street for a female who is struck by a large truck now as you heard a report of a female struck by a truck in cooperstown um according to uh i knew’s viewer on the scene there’s a paving going on in streets all over town and the victim may be part of a construction crew the outcome here didn’t sound good uh it’s not clear exactly what happened a witness also says this happened by a paving machine uh state patrol is on the scene so we should get a crash report uh later on this evening with more details but again a report of a female believed to be a construction worker in a serious road crew accident in cooperstown north dakota late on this friday afternoon i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Feeling heartbroken she was a awesome person and will be missed. To the construction crew and everyone else involved may God be with you all through this hard time.

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