Lincoln High School Unveils Major Policy Changes to Prepare Students for Adulthood

Lincoln High School Unveils Major Policy Changes to Prepare Students for Adulthood
Lincoln High School Unveils Major Policy Changes to Prepare Students for Adulthood

“High school is the last stop before adulthood,” stated Kayla Lian, principal of Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls, as she and Carrie Anderson, the new dean of students, introduced significant updates to the student handbook to the Board of Education. These changes aim to better prepare students for life beyond high school.

Key Changes Include:

  • Assigned Lockers: Lockers will be reassigned to students after being phased out years ago. The decision comes as a response to increased class sizes and safety concerns over backpacks and large coats cluttering classrooms.
  • Updated Tardy and Absence Policy: Students will now be marked absent if they miss one-third of a class, a shift from the previous one-half hour rule, to accommodate shortened classes due to external factors.
  • Vape Detectors and Cameras: Installed in every bathroom, these devices aim not just to stop vaping but to prevent students from doing so on school grounds.
  • Cell Phone Caddies: Students must now place their cell phones in caddies during class or leave them in their lockers to minimize distractions and disciplinary issues.
  • No Hoodies Up: While students can wear hooded sweatshirts, hoods must remain down, and earbuds are also restricted to encourage active engagement during school hours.

Lian emphasized that while these changes may challenge students’ comfort, they are essential for their growth and readiness for adulthood. The Board of Education expressed full support for these new policies, which are detailed in the updated student handbook available on the District’s website.

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