Lawsuits Already Emerging Over ND’s New “10 Commandment” Law

BISMARCK, ND ( A new “10 Commandment” law just passed by the North Dakota Legislature is already attracting potential lawsuits.
a wisconsin organization that opposes religious displays on public property says a new north dakota law that allows the ten commandments in public schools is unconstitutional the freedom from religion foundation based in madison says the law is an attempt to sneak religion and christian nationalism into public schools the foundation says it will challenge any displays that go up in schools governor doug burgum has signed a bill designed to protect schools and teachers from lawsuits that might arise from posting the 10 commandments in classrooms some attorneys and school administrators also warned the legislation is unconstitutional and would lead to costly and unwinnable legal fights


  1. We are separate states, we are free to move to the state that best fits our idea. Those who think this way, why move somewhere just to force everyone to think like you? Is that freedom for all, or just freedom to those who agree with you.

  2. OMG 10 rules to live by! What next? Socialism, communism, and legalized abortion. We wouldn't want any moral integrity, social, or personal boundaries. God forbid the Golden rule.

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