Latest Update: Three Cases Involving Man from Pembina County, ND

PEMBINA COUNTY, ND ( We have an update regarding court proceedings against a Pembina County, North Dakota man. He’s been found “Not Guilty” and “Guilty” in 2 cases and still has a very serious third case pendingl
we have an update regarding a long string of charges in three different cases against a Benjamin B Jay tonnison of Cavalier North Dakota on February 20th a jury found him not guilty of a felony charge from September of 2018 of criminal trespass then back out January 7th he was sentenced to one year in jail on another case he was found guilty of possession of drugs in a Correctional Facility however he still has a long list of charges pending including a very serious charge of gross sexual imposition from a case dating back to 2018 here’s our original reporting on that case the 32 year-old Benjamin B Johannessen of wahala has been formally charged in Pembina County Court with felony gross sexual imposition force or threat of forcible rape felony burglary at night a felony felonious restraint felony terrorizing and felony theft of property according to court documents on October 16th the deputy was dispatched to a report of a sexual assault that took place in rural wahala the victim stated her attacker was BJ Benjamin hanison according to court documents the investigation revealed that the attacker had entered the victim’s home through a window on the north west side of the home during the night he grabbed her from behind he put his hand over her mouth poked something into her back and made her feel like it was a weapon and led her to the bedroom while telling her to trot not try anything the defendant threw her on the bed and began to forcibly digitally penetrate the victims vagina slapped her buttocks and pulled her hair the victim stated the attacker was tall slender strong and wearing a cap with some white on it and when he rubbed his face on hers it felt like he had a mask on after the attack he restrained the victim by tying her hands behind her back with an article of her own clothing and bound her feet he removed the foot restraint he then told her to start County to 400 so he could leave and threatened to slit her throat if she called the police the victim stated she thought he was going to kill her the victim stated she got up from the bed and called for aid locked the Northwest door looked out the window and saw the male walked near the privacy fence then she looked out of the picture window and saw the man running along the fence toward the roadway and could hear the sound of a vehicle with loud pipes or a loud muffler startup authorities say it’s known from their contact with him that Honus ins GMC Sierra has loud pipes authorities also say they have boot prints at the scene that match Ana’s ins they also collected his clothes Hannes enhan wearing the night before at a local bar which were shown on surveillance video and torn jeans described by the victim when authorities asked harnason where he was that morning he stated he went for a country cruise and he became stuck and called a friend to pull him out authorities noted the location is near the victim’s residence where they also have imprints of his tire tracks now Hassan has pled not guilty to those charges a jury trial is expected to be scheduled this month I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news TV

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