LATEST UPDATE: Ice Jam on Red Lake River in Crookston

CROOKSTON, MN ( An ice jam on the Red Lake River at Crookston has caused the river level to bounce around a bit overnight. However, the river is well within Crookston’s existing dike system.
hi everyone Neil Berg here in downtown crookton along the Red Lake River where there’s an ice jam on the Highway 2 Bridge here no cause for alarm in any of this um although the Weather Service says the river level has been jumping around between 9 and 1 12 to 11 ft out uh throughout the night but the uh City’s Levy system is good to uh 30 ft so uh no cause for any worries about that just kind of an awesome display of Mother Nature here as the ice p miles up in the river along Central Park just talk to the fire chief who uh believes part of the channel farther down the river is now cleared up and so hopefully uh some of this ice will start moving through a little bit later in the meantime just kind of an awesome display by Mother Nature however all of this is well within the existing Levy system and should not raise any flood concerns in krton I’m Neil Berg reporting for in

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