LATEST UPDATE: Chauvin Receives 22.5-Year Sentence for George Floyd Murder

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( Former Minneapolis Police Officer, Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22.5-years in prison for the murder of George Floyd.
uh mr showman this is your opportunity if you wish to uh give any input to the court and so i turn it over to you and your attorney thank you for your honor um at this time due to some additional legal matters at hand i’m not able to give a full formal statement at this time um but very briefly though i do want to give my condolences to the floyd family there’s going to be some other information in the future that would be of interest and i hope things will give you some some peace of mind thank you to emphasize the fact that determining the appropriate sentence in any case and in this case is a legal analysis it’s applying the rule of law to the facts of an individual and specific case and that is why as opposed to trying to be being profound here on the record i prefer that you read the legal analysis that explains how i determine the sentence in this case what the case is or what the sentence is not based on is emotion or sympathy but at the same time i want to acknowledge the deep and tremendous pain that all the families are feeling especially the floyd family you have our sympathies and i acknowledge and hear the pain that you are feeling i acknowledge the pain not only of those in this courtroom but the floyd family who are outside this courtroom and other members of the community it has been painful throughout hennepin county throughout the state of minnesota and even the country but most importantly we need to recognize the pain of the floyd family i’m not going to attempt to be profound or clever because it’s not the appropriate time i’m not basing my sentence also on public opinion i’m not basing it on any attempt to send any messages a trial court judge the job of a trial court judge is to apply the law to specific facts and to deal with individual cases and so mr chauvin as to count one based on the verdict of the jury finding you guilty of unintentional second-degree murder while committing a felony under minnesota statute 609 subdivision 2 for n1 it is the judgment of the court that you now stand convicted of that offense pursuant to minnesota statute section 60904 counts 2 and 3 will remain unadjudicated as they are lesser offenses of count one in a sentence for account one the court commits you to the custody of the commissioner of corrections for a period of 270 months that’s 270 that is a 10-year addition to the presumptive sentence of 150 months this is based on your abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty shown to george floyd you’re granted credit for 199 days already served pay the mandatory surcharge of 78 to be paid from prison wages you’re prohibited from possessing firearms ammunition or explosives for the remainder of your life provide a dna sample is required by law register as a predatory offender as required by law and then you will receive a copy of the order and also the attached memorandum explaining the court’s analysis anything further from the state if this needs to be decided we just ask that it be executed forth with tenant has remanded the custody of the sheriff to be transported back to the doc or whichever custody is currently holding him anything for the defense all right thank you we are adjourned you


  1. I don't think there was any one who viewed the events that happened to Mr Floyd and not think something was wrong. And that Chauvin may have committed a crime.

    To be honest though. I in no way feel that justice was served here. What we have witnessed was FEAR and how impacts those in power.
    Those in power acting in fear of what the mob would do if they ruled or acted in another way.
    IMOP Shame on you!!!

  2. Curious that Minneapolis ex cop Noor only got 12.5 years for killing Justine Damond, while Chauvin gets 22.5 years. I guess the reasons are as clear as black and white…

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