LATEST UPDATE: Air and Ground Teams Combat 2,000-Acre Wildfire Near Red Lake, MN

RED LAKE, MN ( Air and ground crews are battling a major wildfire west of Red Lake, Minnesota on this Saturday.
uh Neil Berg here on the phone with me is uh leanne langenberg of the minnesota fire center out at grand rapids we’ve got a a pretty good size wildfire going on about 20 miles west of red lake or uh northwest of uh gandhi minnesota um so it’s uh now getting close to five o’clock what can you tell us how big is this fire and how much support has been called in for it yeah so we do have ground crews that are responding um the fire is estimated to be about 1500 to 2000 acres in size and that’s estimates are are based upon the aircraft that have been supporting the suppression efforts today we do have quite a few aircraft that are responding four total fire boss which are the the aircraft that are able to scoop water out of the out of the lakes and then we also have a single engine air tanker aircraft which they need to go back to their base to fill up so a little bit different in the two types of aircraft and then a helicopter and there’s also a large air tanker aircraft that’s helping support the suppression effort in the area just from reports from this morning or this early afternoon there were structures threatened i don’t have any further details on what has happened with that the fire did grow in size from initially it was estimated about 300 acres and now it’s estimated at 1500 to 2 000 acres so with that you know as more information comes in we’ll certainly share that i’m Neil Berg reporting for you

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