Latest Felony Charges Filed in Devils Lake Area

BENSON & RAMSEY COUNTY, ND ( A look at recent Felony level charges in Benson and Ramsey Counties in North Dakota.
here’s a look at recent felony level charges across the devils lake region we start in benson county minnewatkin is the county seat christopher hoddle of devil’s lake is charged with felony terrorizing according to the criminal complaint he was apparently in jail when he told officers he bought a new gun and that when he got out he was going to blow an officer’s head off also in benson county kailyn touche has been charged with felony theft or property according to the criminal complaint he stole a wallet containing credit cards and 85 dollars cash moving over to ramsey county court in the city of devils lake martin kufler has been charged with felony corruption of a minor he allegedly had sex with a 16 year old and kaplan longi has been charged with felony theft of property he allegedly took a scram bracelet used to track inmates from the lake region community service program and did not return it the bracelet is valued at 975 dollars and jourdain smith has been charged with possession of stolen property and fictitious license plates according to the criminal complaint on february 17th he was allegedly in possession of a 2011 volkswagen jetta that had been stolen out of fargo the license plates were from another vehicle and finally malachi red road has been charged with criminal trespass and misdemeanor domestic assault according to court documents he entered a devil’s lake residence without permission and struck a household member i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv

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