Langdon, ND: Criminal Charges Result from Emergency Overdose Call

LANGDON, ND ( A Langdon, North Dakota man is facing criminal charges, after authorities responded to a drug overdose.
nineteen-year-old michael lankowitz of langdon is facing criminal charges after authorities responded to a drug overdose this in from the cavalier county sheriff’s department quote on november 7th the sheriff’s office in langdon area ambulance were dispatched to a residence in the 700 block of 5th street in langdon for a reported drug overdose when deputies and ambulance staff arrived on scene they located a male who was unresponsive and not breathing uh naxal loan a drug overdose medication was administered to the male and the male was revived he was transported to cavalier county memorial hospital and later released his name is not being released a search warrant was then conducted on the residence during the incident nineteen-year-old michael lankowitz of langdon was arrested as a result of the investigation uh lankowicz is currently has the following felony charges against him unlawful possession of firearm by a violent felon and theft of a firearm the case remains under investigation i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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