Landlord Charged with Criminal Offenses

CROOKSTON, MN ( A Crookston, Minnesota landlord is facing criminal charges for allegedly, illegally entering the apartments of his tenants.
uh Crookston landlord is facing criminal charges 73-year-old Henry James Amiot is facing two counts of felony burglary according to court documents on January 8th the female victim reported Amy ad her landlord was in her apartment the victim reported to police she works overnight and suddenly woke up when she heard someone in her apartment she asked Amy at why he was there and he said that there was a leak she never reported a leak and told Amy had to leave he allegedly became upset and started yelling at her putting his hand in her face she eventually got him to leave she reported Amy ad has come into her apartment and other tenants in the past multiple times police have five other reports of Amy hat entering Apartments several tenants had filed for orders of protection against Amiot I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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