Lake of the Woods Fishing Opener and Ice-Out Report, MN

WARROAD, MN ( A report on ice conditions on Lake of the Woods for Saturday’s Minnesota Fishing opener.
Neil Berg here on the uh shores of uh lake of the woods for your ice out the weekend fishing opener report i’m here at war road um open water in the river going off to the lake a ways out there you can still see uh ice uh here uh basically open and just talk with spring steel just a bit north of here in the north side of war road um she’s telling me uh open water around there and also uh farther north way up at flag island i’m told uh open water around flag island all the way through uh youngs bay now farther down the south side of the lake there also talked with the wigwam and sportsmen’s resort and they’re saying the bay is open out to the gap and a couple of different reports uh after you get past the gap out of on to the lake uh one said open water for a mile or two but i’m also told another boat out there i just uh now uh saw chunks of ice floating around so wherever you’re at you’re going to need to be careful and also uh coming this way along the south side of the lake arneson’s uh resort um we just talked with herds you said they’re not sure their docks are even going to be open this weekend they’re still iced up out there so uh kind of uh open water out on the lake from there and then chunks of ice the next day so uh wherever you’re going you probably need to call ahead and if you’re headed out on the lake you’re going to need to be careful for a out of the ordinary uh 2022 minnesota fishing opener in war road minnesota i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Wish i lived up there ain't gonna be much for walleyes being caught on the opener down here on the minn-iowa border most of our lakes had a pretty bad winter kill in 2020-2021 so not many walleyes will be get caught in these shallow mud holes for a few years but we always got the old reliable river but it won't be low enough to walleye fish for awhile yet so ill be dreamin about being up north fishing i might get after some panfish ive been craving a fish dinner for sometime i hope the best of luck for all the people gonna be out on opener i know it's always fun to be out on the water

  2. Thanks for the awesome ice report Neil. Please post another opener report this weekend to let us know the fishing conditions. We have a trip booked out of Long Point starting May 22nd. 👍

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