Karlstad, MN Schools Superintendent Charged with DWI, Suspended with Pay

KARLSTAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Superintendent of Tri-County Schools in Karlstad, Minnesota has been charged with DWI and more. Michael Gadbois is facing charges of DWI, Open Bottle and Possessing Alcohol on School Grounds. The school board has now suspended him with pay, until a special meeting on Friday.
a superintendent of tri-county schools in carlstead minnesota is in hot water 55-year-old michael gadboyce has been charged with three misdemeanors of second-degree dwi open bottle and possessing alcohol on school grounds gad boys just started with the school on july 1st of this year with a one hundred thousand dollar a year three year contract according to the criminal complaint this is what happened quote on the evening of september 25th sunday 2021 and while on routine patrol in kitson county in the city of carlstead the kitson county deputy noticed a tri-county school minivan parked in front of the tri-county school in carlstead with the rear hatch open in several cases of what appeared to be sewed up sitting in the parking lot on the passenger side of the van the radio was on music was playing and a nearby door to the school was standing open lights were on at the top of the stairs in the school the deputies saw no one in the vehicle at that point and suspected that someone from the school must have been unloading supplies the deputy returned to the scene approximately a half hour later and this time found the above named defendant gad boyz sitting in the driver’s seat with his head resting between the steering wheel and door the deputy checked on gad boyz to see if he was in some kind of medical distress as the deputy approached him the defendant looked up at him the deputy could immediately see the defendant’s eyes were very bloodshot and watery and noticed a very strong odor of alcoholic beverages about him the deputy asked ad boys to identify himself and he began to mumble and started feeling around in his pockets and his shirt the deputy asked again who was in who he was but gad boys did not respond the deputy asked if he could produce his driver’s license and the gad boys began to look around in the front of the van the defendant’s movements were very slow as he opened the center council and again checked his pockets the gad boys then reached for the radio as if it was uh as it was rather loud but instead his hand found the fan control knob for the air of the vehicle at that point the deputy asked gad boys to exit the van upon exiting the defendant began to reach for his pockets and then appeared to be walking away from the deputy at that point the deputy placed him against the van and patted him down for safety the pat down produced no weapons but also produced no wallet the deputy then looked over to the open driver’s door and could see a wallet sitting in the lower pocket of the driver’s door the deputy then asked the defendant if the wallet if the wallet in the door was his and he said it was the deputy handed him the wallet and asked him to remove his driver’s license the defendant had great difficulty locating his license and first handed deputy bain some type of store credit card or id card after the deputy told him that this was not his driver’s license he then removed three additional cards from his wallet one of which was his license the two others fell on the ground the deputy asked him to place his wallet on the roof of the vehicle the deputy then radioed the driver’s license information uh for the defendant the deputy then asked the defendant to face him so the deputy could perform a field sobriety test as he raises pen light to begin with the horizontal gaze test the defendant started to fall backwards into the driver’s door as he was too intoxicated to keep his balance at that point the deputy ceased testing and placed the defendant under arrest the defendant was transported to the kitson county sheriff’s office at approximately 9 20 p.m sunday the standard breath test protocol was initiated and the defendant agreed to take the test gadboy’s alcohol level was read at 9 50 pm to indicate 0.21 blood alcohol over twice the legal limit a review of gadboy’s driving history indicated that in the last 10 years he had two prior dwis one on january 27 2015 in fairbanks alaska and one on january 25th of 2017 in palmer alaska


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