Justice Car Spotted in Montana Targeting Specific Vehicles

GREAT FALLS, MT (trfnews.i234.me) A car and occupants involved in a bizarre incident in North Dakota last month has now been spotted in Montana.
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  1. The sign used by the group which goes by the name of ‘Targeted Justice’ and the woman who goes by the name of ‘Ella Free’ is nothing more than a visual campaign by government provocateurs to solicit emotional responses from targeted individuals. Its based on the Psychology of Marketing.

  2. How is stalking a car and its owners due to a bumper sticker you don't understand and refuse to investigate "news"? Is where a car and its owners are important, based on a BUMPER STICKER? There is a reason for the organization 'Targeted Justice,' and I hope they win every single one of their legitimately based lawsuits.

    Creating things to talk about isn't news. The real news is that untold numbers of completely INNOCENT people are being socially engineered into hell, and terrorized via psysops and technologies not known to the general public as nonconsensual human lab rats out in "the field."

  3. I'm a Targeted Individual living in North Dakota. This is very curious and potentially a psyop and staged. Perhaps by the reporter and his type. It sounds completely fabricated to turn people against TIs and attempt to ruin Targeted Justices reputation. Obviously this genius report didn't bother to look into the gazillions of patents.
    It's getting a little advanced in the game to be calling this a conspiracy!
    Also, as a state contact for North Dakota i find it curious that someone so invested in the movement wouldn't have reached out to me……..
    If this reporter needs to hide the license plate it's probably his own vehicle!😅😂

  4. TarGetttted Jusss tice is full of bs but have pages everywhere asking for donations when they are all perps/ gangstalkers. No one is being targeting and no one is trying to help any real targeted people.

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