1. Notice how he would say he might run for prez every other month for some spotlight on MSN, CNN and they would show his new book. Now it's because he is an atheist he can't run ? You have been duped people, and he lives well in the Mexico. It's called acting.

  2. Thank you Jesse Ventura for your courage and common sense. It resonates as a veteran and father who continues to fight the Federal Gaslighting of my family, Depriving my son of his Constitutional Sixth Amendment Right to have witnesses for his defense (18 USC 241, 242) State of Iowa vs Gregory Francis Tennant, State BAR associates Withheld exculpatory evidence and Tampered with the jury by planting Iowa Supreme Court Justice Tom Waterman's corporate board partner Tate Featherstone as jury foreman without disclosing his Associations, bias, prejudices and conflicted interests.
    In retaliation for blowing the whistle on this fraud, these BAR Associates used a Marxist tactic (Accuse the whistle blower of what you did…) and charged me with Jury TAMPERING, Iowa "Code" 720.4 which was inconsistent with the facts and evidence. Tate Featherstone is an Insurance Executive who testified that he led the doubting jurors to convict based on a hearsay question. In other words, he settled a claim based on a hearsay question from a person who was not available to testify. Was it "Lawful" for a JUROR to disregard and violate the court jury instruction Requiring evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt threshold to convict?
    This has been left uncorrected since 2017. The newly "elected" RINO AG and DA have refused to comply with their Duty to Seek Remedy per IRPC 31:3.8(h)… The Federal court wants us to believe that our claims of Constitutional Rights Deprivations are "Frivolous.." and Dismissed by chief judge Stephanie "the Hulk email" Rose … The 8th Cir CT Appls rubber stamped that. OUTRAGEOUS Weaponization of Government in Scott County no AGCE383847, STATE v Kenneth Charles Tennant

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